RE: Would You Learn an Entire Language & Or Re-Locate to Another Country Just to Be With Someone? :D

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Would You Learn an Entire Language & Or Re-Locate to Another Country Just to Be With Someone? :D

in dtube •  6 years ago 

Sure they do, but I mean the whole "white picket fence" stay at home mom is a thing of the past. Women in the States have more rights then men and there is no incentive for men to have relationships unless they are looking to procreate. I dont deny that good women exist that I could love, I just am not holding my breathe anymore. Jeronimo made a video talking about how love is where the heart is. My heart is one of traditional family values, something that rarely exists in modern time America ( at least in California for sure). Meeting someone of worth at a bar is a lost cause. Sure I can go out and pick up a girl no problem, that's not the issue. The issue is a lack of quality women who strives to raise a family and take care of her man and household. Now women are looking to get a career and go to school into their 30s. Then they date 50+ different guys throughout school. No man wants a tattooed promiscuous women to raise his children.

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