The #TrumpanzeeDoctrine in #Venezuela and #WW3 #Visions and #TimeLines
1968 Vision About World War 3
TruNews Published on Sep 5, 2018
Have you heard the prophecy from a 90 year old Norwegian woman about what society would look like before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ? In this video a Christian who lived through both World War 1 and World War 2 shares a vision she claims was given to her by the Lord regarding the end times.
In this vision she saw four waves, including a great peace before a Third World War, a falling away of believers through "prosperity Christianity", a moral disintegration of society, including the demise of Biblical marriage and stations of sin filled television, and a mass migration of poor to Europe.
What are True Dreams and Visions of Visionaries vs. Delusional Delusions of the Disillusioned
Always an Exercise in Discernment in the #EndTimes was the Golden Rule
A Warning To America by Dumitru Duduman
dreimdmon Channel Published on Feb 11, 2010
In 1984, after years of intense persecution, a
Romanian evangelist, Dumitru Duduman, was thrown out
of his country for smuggling Bibles into Romania
and Russia. With the help of the American
Consulate, Dumitru and his family came to
America. They were picked up at the airport by a
Russian agency and taken to a small apartment in
Fullerton, California. The apartment had no
furniture or beds and to make matters worse, the
previous occupants had allowed their dogs to
urinate all over the carpeting. Feeling
abandoned and discouraged, Dumitru asked God why
he had brought him to America. God began to show
Dumitru why he was brought to America and the
incredible task that lay before him. The
following are excerpts from Dumitru's books,
"Through the Fire Without Burning" and "Dreams
and Visions from God", from his video, "Wake Up
America" and from his "Hand of Help" newsletter.
These excerpts are not meant to form a message
of fear, but to present a message of hope to all
those who will stop sinning and turn to God.
As I read the following excerpt from a Reuters
report, I was reminded of the prophetic vision
of Dimitru Duduman which the Lord gave him to
share with the people of this nation who had
ears to hear. Dimitru is one of many prophets
who have shared that the land called America
would become desolate. Perhaps very soon!
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