NRACE Protocols and Abrogation

in dtube •  6 years ago 

  1. Negotiate in Good Faith

  2. ReNegotiate with a more extreme position when step 1 fails (escalate/dig in)

  3. Abrogation: what was recreated with a signature hereby Abrogated in the same

  4. Compensation: for #Losses Incurred and basic #Contractual #Fraud

  5. Early Retirement Pension Program: ERPP #PensionsforCompensation

"These Violent Delights have Violent Ends" but other Solutions are Available Now

And in their triumph die, like fire and powder,
Which, as they kiss, consume.
The sweetest honey
Is loathsome in his own deliciousness

"These violent delights have violent ends"
by: W. Shakespeare

#negotiate #renegotiate #abrogation #compensation #earlyretirementprogram

/Launch #NRACEprotocols #NRACE
but First Reject
#DajjallicDollar #DollarSystem

People of #Pakistan Pay Attention to #VenezuelanModel - The #Petro

People of Pakistan Pay Attention to Venezuelan Model of Economic Development

Because after #TrumpanzeeDoctrine finishes with #Venezuela next target #Pakistan

Because #TrumpanzeeDoctrine will cut access to #Credit #Loans #Financial #$ystem

First Reject #Dajjallic aka #AntiChrist Babylonian #MoneyMagick
#Dollar #$ystem

Where #EyeofDajjal aka #AntiChrist is center stage

There are Choices and then Bad Choices and Lesser Evil Choices

Where #MoneyMagick is created from Thin Air

Where #MoneyMagick is backed only by #Marines landing on your Face

Where #MoneyMagick backed only by Thin Air and #ContractualFraud
from /start

Where #MoneyMagick carries #Debt
from First $1USD
is #PerpetualDebt

Where #MoneyMagick carries #Debt
from First $1USD
is #DebtSlavery

Where #MoneyMagick carries #Debt
from First $1USD
(with Compounding Interest)

Where #MoneyMagick is created with #ContractualFraud from
/start of #Program

Time to Turn the Chapter and Embrace Crypto called
#Petro (Venezuelan Model)

backed by #BlackGold aka #Oil but perhaps also add #Gold #Silver in the Future

#Crypto carries #NoInterest aka #Riba or #Usury (Forbidden)

#Usury (Forbidden) practice of making unethical or immoral monetary loans

#Usury (Forbidden) monetary loans that unfairly enrich the lender

Earliest condemnations of #Usury come from the Vedic texts of India

Similar condemnations of #Usury found in Buddhism Judaism Christianity and Islam

Even #Logic dictates #Loans that can never me Paid Back are not #Logical

#Crypto carries #NoDebt (with Compounding Interest)

#Crypto not owned wholly by any #Predatory Governments or Criminal #CentralBanks

#Crypto not owned wholly by any #Predatory Governments or Criminal #CentralBanks

#Crypto is #Mobile and #BorderLess

#Crypto is #Encrypted can #Scale and can #Distribute Funds Efficiently

#Crypto is way to #BustSanctions #ChallengeSanctions #ActsofWar

#Crypto is the way to #BustSanctions and form #NewAlliances =
#NRACE #Protocols


#Crypto is the way to #Bypass #Sanctions and form #NewAlliances =

When given 2 #BadChoices choose the Lesser of 2 #EvilSystems choose #Petro

When given 2 #BadChoices choose the Lesser of 2 #EvilSystems choose #NRACE

When given 2 #BadChoices choose the Lesser of 2 #EvilSystems choose #LesserEvil




Launch the
Reject #DajjallicDollar #DollarSystem

Until We Meet Again in #Time in the #EndTimes #EndofHistory

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