A Forest - The Cure // DTube Promotion Video //

in dtubedaily •  7 years ago 

Today I bring you something totally different from what I usually do.

Follow me into a forest, let´s promote DTube while listening to a classic song by The Cure.

I really hope you enjoy this since I did put a lot of effort and dedication into this.

Thank you so much for watching and see you all on my next video!

▶️ DTube
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It is different. Also... I am a bit different LOL 😂😂

Different type of troll.. LOLOL hahaha jk!


  ·  7 years ago (edited)


This is some pro looking work @donstopmenow - You need a job at @dtube :D

Looks like it took a while to edit, some nice sound/vid syncs going on!

Thanks man! Really appreciate your feedback in this!

Edition is getting more and more fun each day! 😊😊

Beother!! This was freaking awesome man! You can see that you definitely put some effort into it O_o wooooohooooo!!! Just wow man! I'm impressed. How much time did it take you?

One thing that I would change is don't stay too long on one shot because we have short attention spans. (Max 7 seconds) my 2 cents ;)

Winny out...for now ;)

Thanks a lot buddy! I really appreciate any kind of feedback and/or criticism.

It took me 4 hours of editing alone, maybe another hour shooting in the forest.

I will keep that in mind, I also got the feeling that some shots were a bit too long. I am learning each day, and really putting my soul into improving my videos quality.

Thanks again bro!

Amazing stuff dude. Lovely photographs especially the flowers. Life in the forest. The music is relaxing too. Love the music

One of the coolest music videos ever!!!

Really nice shots. I like the colors , nice work man

Thanks a lot @diffuseloop!!

I love it! Great song, great advertisement for Dtube. Very good editing! I'm new to video editing so I feel you on how much effort went into that haha.