Daily Vlog 15: 5 Reasons Dtube Is Better Than Youtube

in dtubedaily •  7 years ago  (edited)

So yesterday I was thinking about how I havn't uploaded any videos to youtube for about a month, and its because dtube is better. I'm tempted to upload this video on youtube as well just as an F you... but we'll see I'm so done with youtube I don't even want to log in.

I woke up at 5am to make this video while my wife and son sleep, it seems to be the best time to get some good work done, although I hope to get a nap later as it is Saturday. I really need to start getting more sleep but thus is life especially when dtube has lit a fire in your belly. So here are the five reasons why dtube are better... or at least five of the reasons.

  1. No ads: This is great for the viewers, who wants to watch adds? Also it means Dtube figured out a monetization strategy from the get go. By utilizing the blockchain they have jumped a hurdle that takes many companies years to figure out. Often internet companies will get funding and create a service without actually knowing how it will make money, this is problematic. Also by removing ads from content we help to move away from a capitalistic world and towards one where creativity is valued more than physical goods or products.

  2. Organic Growth: Dtube helps users create a fan base and grow organically. I have been gaining followers with much more ease than on youtube. The dtube upvotes definitely help with this but also the integration with other social media on the steemit blockchain helps. The rewards also drive content creators to create better content and encourage viewers to interact and participate in the discussion.

  3. Better Monitization: Even without that magic dtube upvote the ratio of views to dollars is way better with dtube than youtube. ALso when you earn your rewards you only need to wait a week to access them. With adsense in youtube you need to make at least $100 before you can get your funding. I have $50 sitting in an adsense account that I haven't been able to touch for years, this is very annoying especially since my advertising has been cutoff on youtube. This is more significant to people from countries where $50 goes a lot further than in the USA, but is still annoying. Youtube essentially prevents anyone who isn't a big youtube player from getting their money out, pretty wack.

  4. A More Supportive Community: Youtube has always felt competitive, dtube and steemit from the get go have felt collaborative. I have had way more meaningful interactions on steemit and dtube in the last month than I ever have had on youtube. SO thank you all for making this place such a good community. I think al,ot of this has to do with the voting system. Being a dick isn't going to help anyone and could have consequences. Youtube you can troll away all day and have no consequences. Also I'm in dtubedaily which is turning into an awesome community of creators.

  5. Integration With Other Social Media: AKA the super app, the idea of a super app or super platform has been around for awhile, it has even been successful in some countries and imposed in others. The idea is one app to rule them all, this idea is somewhat realized through the steemit blockchain and Dtube has played a huge role in showing the power of the steemit blockchain to launch decentralized apps. Google tried to link youtube with google+ and google communities and it was an utter failure. Facebook bought instagram with the idea of doing the same but are taking the integration slow because they know the potential risks. Steemit and dtube started out in an integrated relationship which helps to build viewers and promote content. The larger community of steemit helps support and fuel dtube and the relationship is symbiotic. This is something totally new and exceeds the goals of creating a super app.

thanks everyone, I hope you enjoyed my video and stuck around to check out the oscilloscope at the end. I appreciate all of my followers , this has been a great ride so far!


▶️ DTube
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Dtube and steemit seem's like a lot more friendlier community.

Yea less ego about number of subscribers and more community.

Yea less ego about number of subscribers and more community.

Yes most definitely.

followed and yes, you nailed it man. it's so much of a better place to host video and those payment cycles are great too when financial rewards happen.

Thanks for following along and watching, I’m gonna go take a look at what your up to.

hey thanks man. hope you find something of interest, i've been putting a lot up on @dlive recently -- you can find that stuff here -- https://www.dlive.io/#/user/teamhumble -- cheers!

Truthsayer! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼Really great video babe, so glad you have a creative outlet where people appreciate your hard work!

I have to say the first time I’ve heard an ad in a while was on spotify and it realllly irked me. They are using ads to annoy people into paying to not have to listen to them!!!

Jesus has spoken


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Congratulations on being a nice video. Like you said, youtube ad place is boring and thank you in the meantime

Thanks , yea who wants ads any... and unless it’s a synthesizer that stuff doesn’t even work on me.

Would be awesome if more and more peoples would notice that DTube is better than Youtube

I think that day is on its way

Daily Vlog 15: 5 Reasons Dtube Is Better Than Youtube Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool

Hi Noah, great work, and very informative for noobs like myself. Had to follow after finding this. You informed me of another outreach platform, and directed my attention to some important information about it. Also, you mentioned you built a couple of the oscillators from Vlog 11 (a hobby I shouldn't have bookshelfed...sigh...where I could be today ... alas).

Thank you, I hope you future is filled with awesome.

Nice video.


So true, so true. Times seem exciting again, new technologies to explore.


Thank you for the insight, as a new user its very helpful.

Personally... I prefer Dtube because of the non-restriction clause... Dtube over Youtube anytime any day

There is to much censure on Youtube.

Great work illuminationst8! I love this platform. I haven't been hear for more than a week now but it doesn't take kind to see how awesome this community is.

I like the fifth point, because there are many interesting things there.

Definitely a lot of possibility there for more decentralized platform so on steemit

These Fat cats have been around for too long.
Out with the old and in with the new.
Give the people a chance :)