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I think you have pretty much the base for eating healthy. If you are more intrested about this food stuff check out "Scott Abel" from youtube or some of his books. He seems like a legit guy to me with plenty of knowledge as he used to be pro-bodybuilder (has quit taking any roids long ago) and is coaching some fitness models. I have been hoping to properly start his "cyckle-diet" but it is not that easy to start dieting right now for me.

interesting stuff! 👍
one thing i don't like about this is that he doesn't give you the core information right away.
he says it's all included in the video (buy it).
i'm probably gonna look into the recommended meals but i'm not sure if that information is available to begin with. very difficult to approach.

You should check some of his books. If you go trough more of his videos and stuff, he does actually tell very well basics. He of course have to make money so he won't reveal it all at one sitting and he also seems to make some things simple so that dummies get them.

i started a diet today. Not a particular one but because i used to work out a lot in the past and i let myself for a year or so i think it's to get back on track. The first thing i wanna do is eat less at night, cut the fried food as well as sweets and after a week that i will get used to it, i ll start eating more ''clear'' foods with a lot of protein. Now i can't do what you do :P with the beef and salad, i want my meat to be accompanied by something either this is potatoes ( not fried), or biological rice. At the same time i must start doing some exercises at home!

fried stuff is probably one of the worst imo. i haven't seen anything as bad as mixing protein with heavy refined carbs. the problem is they're so tasty and i've gotten used it when i was younger. every once in awhile my body craves for sugar and carbs. so yes, it's always difficult 😆

at least with the cheat day you have, you manage to balance it somehow

Keep your suger lo,

i like no sugar at all