Tired Mama

in dtubefitness •  7 years ago 

We often think the key components to fitness are working out and eating right, but sleep is right up there too! When we're tired, our metabolism drops and we tend to snack more!

Also, check out a special guest appearance by the cutest vlogger ever! (I might be biased!)

I chose @Crowbarmama as a handle because I believe in doing the best you can with what you have on hand. The crowbar is a multi-purpose tool. You’ll notice my photography is a bit rough, my grammar is not the most polished, but as a homeschooling, homesteading mama of 4, if I waited to take my photos until the light was perfect or re-edited my posts a 5th time ( I shoot for 3 drafts), I would never get a post out!

Don’t sweat the small stuff, just Crowbar it!

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Of course I love what I'm reading so i upvoted, though it doesn't mean a lot, i hope you'll know you have my support. Much love @joyart
Please keep it coming

Thank you! I checked out your recent drawings. You are very talented! Keep up the good work!

Thanks hon..... I sure will

Nice work @crowbarmama, we both got massive votes from @dtube today... Thanks so much for the advice!
Now I can't wait to get out and find fun stuff to film.

Aw @philippekiene, so glad the new editing software is working for you! Checkout @Tibfox. He's the one who mentioned it in a post and got me started and he's got some great content I think you would enjoy! Have fun!

@crowbarmama, sleep is definitely a relief when it comes to issues of distress and also it helps us be able to refresh our minds and prepare for other activities. I for one, I think its a reliever to the mind and soul. Thanks for your thoughtful post!!

Absolutely! I find myself more peaceful when I allow myself to rest well. Thanks for stopping by!

Oh my gosh! YES! We are also super sleep deprived over here trying to parent, build a house, steem, all that good stuff. Snacking is such a challenge, especially when I am sleep deprived. Crowbarbaby is SO CUTE! I just want to squish him! Congratulations on meeting your fitness goals and your sweet Dtube upvote. The hard work will be rewarded eventually. Stay awesome @crowbarmama, you got our support over here. -Aimee

Right? I'm telling you, I resonated with your posts from the moment I first read them! We are on the same wavelength! Haha! Albeit a droopy, tired one, but it's all good! Someday we'll look back and laugh, right? Thanks so much for your continued support!

The number of times I've wondered why I can't seem to stop eating and realised it's because I haven't slept enough. Guess it makes sense when you think about it. A tired body needs more fast calories to keep itself going. Love how healthy your "snacks" are :D

Lol! Thank you! I guess, they weren't that bad, just not necessary if I hadn't deprived my body of the rest it so desperately needed!

Oh I need to cut down on my snacking

That's a tough one. Honestly, living in a 2 story house has helped greatly. Lol! I'm far less likely to hit the fridge now, compared to when we lived in the travel trailer and the fridge was only a few yards away! Lol!

When I am tired I just eat
I can't help it

Right? I know I tend to snack when I'm up later, but it really hit me the day I recorded this!

Agree with you sleep is the main thing in our fitness.

fitness can make everone beatifull

Congratulation crowbarmama! Your post has appeared on the hot page after 32min with 24 votes.

Great post there. Apart from the lessons learnt, i have also come to understand three effective ways of accomplishing more in life.

#1 Play the Game

We have a tendency to take ourselves too seriously. This often results in becoming too stiff and unyielding when it comes to changing our plans and adapting to new situations. Being flexible and able to see how our circumstances can serve us is critical to our success.

#2 Purge the Distractions

First, it’s important to know the distinction between what’s truly good for you and what you use as a distraction. This can be tricky. For example, spending two hours on Facebook isn’t very productive, unless it’s part of your job. When we’re trying to distract ourselves, it’s usually because we’re supposed to do something challenging.

#3 Write Down Ideas to Make Them Count

Our minds are constantly in a bind, always working, chattering and in that noise, good ideas are born, but they can be easily lost. Nurturing the habit of writing down your ideas and thoughts is by far one of the best things you can do. It allows you to remember your creative outbursts, even when you can’t make use of them right away.