A day we own hands new heart able to be?

in dtubesteemit •  7 years ago 


Dr. Kevin fog University college hospital, London, heart disease in the treatment of how much progress recently in the staggering heart of the operation of Fifty years later today this complex operation of a normal has become, but the question arises that heart disease treatment of the future is a day we own hands new heart to be able to, or new heart Aga will be able to or heart surgeon animals in the heart of genetic changes of the human body in the will. Heart disease in the treatment of how much progress recently in the staggering is. UK hair field hospital of change of heart and change kidney sector of the head of Mr. اینڈرے summons say that the year 1986 when I just 16 was, I جھانسے I was in his life heart ٹرانسلانٹ the first operation your seen in a patient to any other person of the heart of the was. "This operation two surgeons doing. In them patient in the chest گرھیں applies was looking, but his fingers so fast blows was that I didn't get that he actually what are. This is a funny, but wonderful experience was." This operation may heart of operation, کاؤ boy, the last operation was. I well remember that the operation of the back of your office has there everywhere cigarette pieces and beer empty bottles fragmented see in the surgeons affected by without could not do without. They remove a completely different had. Today this type of things not imagine can. Overall today we have a better off through are because we she can what year ago could not, but I think we heart disease in the treatment of new Horizon to find the passion is not.

Heart disease in the treatment of how much progress recently in the staggering heart of the operation of Fifty years later today this complex operation of a normal has become, but the question arises that heart disease treatment of the future is a day we own hands new heart to be able to, or new heart Aga will be able to or heart surgeon animals in the heart of genetic changes of the human body in the will. Heart disease in the treatment of how much progress recently in the staggering is. UK hair field hospital of change of heart and change kidney sector of the head of Mr. اینڈرے summons say that the year 1986 when I just 16 was, I جھانسے I was in his life heart ٹرانسلانٹ the first operation your seen in a patient to any other person of the heart of the was. "This operation two surgeons doing. In them patient in the chest گرھیں applies was looking, but his fingers so fast blows was that I didn't get that he actually what are. This is a funny, but wonderful experience was." This operation may heart of operation, کاؤ boy, the last operation was. I well remember that the operation of the back of your office has there everywhere cigarette pieces and beer empty bottles fragmented see in the surgeons affected by without could not do without. They remove a completely different had. Today this type of things not imagine can. Overall today we have a better off through are because we she can what year ago could not, but I think we heart disease in the treatment of new Horizon to find the passion is not. "Many new encouraging things in front of it, but we still your destination quite far, heart disease in the treatment of new ways to discover the very important to have been. This idea you do can that in the UK every year 200 people your heart donation do. This is the number of needed little because if 65 under patients heart not change the way you every year almost two thousand people heart attack to die. Experts hope it's a solution that we heart of the new part grow for stem cell technology more work. This regard to the US state ٹیکسس the city of Houston located in cells and اعضاہ research Center, Center four cell and organ biotechnology, head of Dr. Doris Taylor says that if we meet human heart laboratory want to make it to US millions cells need be." But the good news is that we can do so. "Dr. Doris Taylor says that my goal is that we next six months at least three such heart make the دھڑکنے so ability that we he guy as large animal out see that this experience successful or not." Dr. Doris Taylor team for this purpose boar's heart cells from them stem cell through new heart grow or try to make you are. Team hope they techniques so good shall that thanks to a patient of weak heart to re-powerful made be. If you experience successful it is so team claim that a day new heart old heart will replace. Dr. Doris Taylor said that one thing that we know that is, it is that I put the new cell heart or body of the section are, the place of cells as they are. "But heart expert professor John dark say that we need to do more than I should not. They said it's nothing new because, in the past several people such a great ideas from come are." Today Twenty years ago, we this think that we pork members from them in the human body to be able to. No doubt that the number of new encouraging things in front of it, but we still your destination quite away. "Professor John dark says" ten years before everyone in exciting was that we stem cell through sick heart of the treatments can, but when experiments have been the results disappointing out. If patients in some improvement was also the very minor was. ", As long as you its totally not convinced are you currently no final can't speak." A new heart make instead of these methods more improve should who help from a patient

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