Learning German and passing DTZ exam

in dtz •  7 years ago 

In Germany, it is very important to learn German. The language is required in every realm of living. For instance, working in an office, kids going to school to getting your washing machine repaired. The most basic language DTZ exam, Deutsche Test for Zuwanderer, is needed by all foreigners if they want to study or work here.

I recently sat for DTZ exam. It was a beautiful experience. It has oral exam as well as written exam. The requirement for oral exam is high as speaking proficiency is more important than reading, writing and even hearing.

My tips to pass the exam:

  1. Attend the language class regularly. Some students find the language too hard. This can cause them to fear classes and miss them. Better option is to attend the same module twice and discuss with your school.

  2. Subscribe and watch German Youtubes. It is fascinating how Youtube has made the learning free and easy. Continue to watch videos on difficult topics again and again. This will make the learning better and difficult concepts clear.

  3. Talk to your classmates in German. When you talk, you learn. Learning is best achieved by using it.

  4. Listen to German song. I have fallen in love with German songs. They are beautiful. Once you start enjoying something in the language you want to learn, learning becomes easy. people-2557399_640.jpg

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