My Ducklings Today. An Update for those who remember that time I...

in ducklings •  7 years ago 

A few month ago I rescued a couple ducklings and cared for them until I went to Canada then I left them with a lady in this reservoir. The lady did not live in the reservoir but near it, lol

I learned about caring for ducks during this time and it was work. I had to feed them in the morning, noon and night. I would get up early, go out, feed them and I would go out again before bed. Not to mention every time I went out I brought them more food. I had to dice the veggies and fruit really small so their little beaks could eat what I gave them. Work but I did enjoy it.

(he won't let me touch him now)

Today, I went by their pond, first time since I returned from holiday. I could only find the one, he must be the bigger one of the two. I could not find the other, I can only guess it is not here anymore. I do not know what happened and the lady was not around for me to ask. I will go ask another day with a friend.

I had no idea it wold be these colours. Such a beautiful specimen I must say. I hope the other is ok somewhere in the other side of the pond but I have a feeling one of these fishermen had an unlucky day and needed to bring home dinner. Maybe..

No matter happens or will happen I am certain they had a better life in this pond then the one they had when i found them starving and neglected in a small cage they were quickly out growing.

See how they grew up by checking out my past posts.

It was fun watching and helping them grow up. No regrets even with midnight feeding times.

This is my life in China. Love it, wouldn't leave unless they make me. Or suddenly become a millionare in which case I'm off to some tropical paradise.

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He's got some deep colors. I hope you find his buddy, they are usually inseparable so if he's not around then chances are he was the slower of the two :/, but then again you never know :).

I know they should be together. It was first thing i thought when i found him, i was like 'where's your sibling'.

Hopefully i can find out. There was a serious flood in Dalian a few days after i left and i suspect this place flooded and and maybe she got swept away.

Glad you enjoyed, now i need to find the kittens i was playing with before i left. ^^

PS you should post more so i can vote em.

I'm commentator extraordinaire :P for the time being.

We just lost our only male duck today, the place flooded here from Harvey and brought down our chicken wire fence for the most part around the duck pond and they had been all over our lake and the rest of the property and yesterday I had propped up the fence all but one side which they could have climbed out on and today when I went to look at them the almost silent duke wasn't among them, two days ago I found him with another of our ducks in our neighbors pond and I thought he escaped there again but I didn't think to check the perimeter of the fence even though I know good and well that they don't get separated because none want to be the lame duck, and I found him just now, he was torn up and nothing but bones :( right on the side of the fence he probably walked over on, he was the only odd one out, the rest are all females and Khaki Campbell look alike but a hybrid that produces more eggs then them :/.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

So will be ok? "nothing but bones" makes me think he's in rough shape. At least you found him.

And i'm glad to hear you made through Harvy, that must have been wild.

No, I mean that in the literal sense, there was nothing but bones :(.

We were lucky really, our house was within inches of being flooded, everyone else around us had water up to their knees or higher in their house as we had about 30 inches on top of the record, I think going back over 100 years, but from what I heard about Houston it is without a doubt unprecedented.

Muscovy duck?
Native to South America.

oh very cool. I did wondered what type it was now that it's grown up. It must be delicious if they're breeding them here. He doesn't quack, he kind of chirps the same as he did when he was a duckling. Thanks for finding that.

I have seen muscovy ducks in London, Ontario i didn't know what they were until last sunday

Interesting. London Ontario is one of my favourite towns. Very quint and I saw wild rabbits in the parks downtown. I am not surprised they had these ducks because ... some of the best fall fairs ar ein that area and they got all kinds weird looking ducks and animals. lol

so awesome

Thanks for the update. I DO remember your original blog. It is heartwarming to see that duck happy and free. Even if something happened to the other one, at least it lived a natural life. 💚

Thanks for following. If only they knew too.

just ah perfect click!!

I'm glad to see your update. Shame about the missing duck! It must have been sad to get back and find one missing. That little baby sure did get big quick. It's nice he has such a pretty place to swim and live. Much better than that cage.

I almost wish i didnt see either because I know how much they like to be together. This guy all by himself is kind of sad. Ducks aren't typically solitary animals.

He is well fed though and he swims, funny, slow swim actually i kind of giggled when he jumped in the water and swam away. He didn't swim like any other duck i saw before. Lol

Thank you for the update! :D
Did he recognize you?

I don't think so. >< Maybe but he swam away before I could pick him hp.

Amazing. . I like it. . Thankyou for sharing

Im glad you liked it thank you.

Nice post,,,,,,