Good day!
The pond has been making some craaazy noises the past few days!
Since we haven’t been getting super cold weather, it’s been freezing and melting from day to day.
As it changes, it makes noise!
Groans and moans, creaks, bubbling and cracking, what a racket!
I love it!
I’m still getting used to the idea of the air NOT hurting my face when I go outside, like it used to this time of year in Edmonton. Moving back home to Newfoundland has been the best move I’ve ever made.
So happy to be at home.
And I’m loving this weather!
The ducks are in their house full time now, once the pond was frozen over they have had no desire to come out. They do enjoy time spent in their outdoor area, and LOOOVE getting treats! I bring them some little bits of duck safe veggies and fruit every day and they get crazy excited!
But I’ll really miss this! 👇🏻
Can’t wait until spring! I bet the ducks feel the same way!
I haven’t started a new painting for a few days. Not sure what I want to do next so I just keep making knots instead 💕
My macrame phone bag is coming along nicely though! Should be really cute!
I’ve also been thinking about creating a sneak peek mailing list for anyone interested in buying original pieces of art. I like using the shop, but I find with the originals they often sell before I get them up for sale properly.
No real complaint there, but the store ends up looking a little sad, plus I don’t want to waste my time putting it in the shop if someone is going to snatch it back out right away.
I’ll post about that more when I decide how to set it up. 🙂
Anyway, hope your day is fantastic!
Here’s some memery!
Knotilus daily pond is a series of photos of the pond near my home, some bloggery about the homestead and the creations, it’s then finished off with some choice memes.
Some days here are breathtaking, others will be gray, I’m happy to share the different looks of the pond all year long 🙂
The shop is officially open!
If you’re interested in helping a tiny business grow, pick out an item! ❤️
Check out my other creations through my link tree
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