The False flag in Douma, the threat to the world of a Nuclear War. Add to that the Murderous colonial wars in the middle EAST fought on false pretexts since the first Gulf War. Actually, for the whole of Modern History and the advent of the OIL Based Economy.
Many Narratives have been challenged this past Month as MI5 got into the Guineapig wet work game and euthanising of Persian Pussies, Revelations of Trump fucking some other big breasted brass with an interesting sideline in Adult films and Meagan and Harry aren't inviting even that nice Pres. Obama to their wedding.
As a monetary reform activist, a student of monetary history an Environmentalist and student of Climatology what has become clear is Narratives for War, and why Wars are fought and paid for along with other commonplace narratives overlap, different contexts and boundary conditions present themselves. Lots of setting free Truth revelations and people getting pissed off first.
Challenging the Climate Alarmist dogmas led to this outburst yesterday. I should be euthanised for my abhorrent views and represent a failure of the Education system. There is the future folks right there.
April 11, 2018
There is no force greater than human stupidity and ignorance, and you once again provided further proof of that.
April 11, 2018
GM, Are you going to make an argument or does Ad Hominem count as a reasoned discussion in your book.
Go on give it another try, if what is presented above is so lacking in intelligence or empirical evidence you should really have very little trouble.
April 11, 2018
You accuse me of using an “ad hominem” argument when I was simply making an observation.
In any case, do you seriously expect me to try to correct the gigantic failure of the educational system that you represent in a comments section?
I would the real idiot if I tried to do that and if I expected it to work.
For people like you euthanasia is the only cure. Sad but true.
And they represent 98% of the population
Which is why the planet is doomed.
April 11, 2018
GM, It seems quite clear that you are deficient in both manners and in Arguments.
Letting your psychopathic wet dreams out in public is perhaps not the best idea, you ought to get some help with that.
Give yourself a break from all the self-hatred Life can be much better than you seem to believe.
On a Brighter Note
US carrier group to reach Persian Gulf only by May – Russian MoD
Published time: 11 Apr, 2018 21:07
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US carrier group to reach Persian Gulf only by May – Russian MoD
The US Navy aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman departs with its strike group towards the Middle East from Naval Station Norfolk, US om April 11, 2018. © US Navy / Danny Ray Nunez Jr. / Reuters
And this just in