Just one of the ways that I believe the state is 'priming' kid's minds and making them ready for a society where the few are able to control the many.
This will be a video commentary, but I'd like to write a little and share here.
Why are kids being taught about 'social heroism?' Isn't the main task of 'education' to teach academics so that children can grow up and think for themselves?
When I was a kid I too remember being taught about 'Social Heroes'. I wouldn't be able to remember many of their names, but I remember the teachers laboring over the criteria. "So and so led a valiant and noble effort to oppose..." (Fill in the blank with whatever you'd like)
Now I know I'm being both exceptionally brief and vague here, but I'm doing so both in the interest of time for my readers, and because there are too many examples to begin citing. Not to forget just having to go back and find those specific references in the actual books themselves. But if you are close to my generation, you can probably think of some or even many you were taught about in school yourself!
But ask yourself, why is the state so interested in teaching your children about 'social heroism' instead of basic academics? This ought to be a dead giveaway that it does not really have their best interests at heart, but is engaged in its own objectives of 'priming' their persons for deceptive policies that would seduce them into relinquishing their rights over to people in power. Whenever I talk about 'priming' in the context of political propaganda, I'm talking about making a mind ready to receive a certain thing or perceive something in a certain way.
Is the state really that concerned with making sure you and your kids know who the social heroes were? Here's what I believe is happening. Each generation of children are being indoctrinated (primed) to accept more state control over their lives, under the guise that this is some 'valiant and noble' thing:
"Don't think that anybody should be poor and hungry? Wow, how wonderful! You're really a valiant and noble person aren't you? You outta vote for Socialism so that the state can have the power to manage our wealth will fix those issues! Oh and by the way, only White Supremacists believe in individual Freedom, and you don't want to be like those racist bigots who hate everybody and espouse their hate-speech, so don't listen to them!"
This last thing regarding supposed 'White Supremacy' and 'racism' is also a direct result of the indoctrination and 'priming' these generations are receiving, and I call these tactics 'False Association Perception and Group Defamation Priming, which I'll also go more into another time. For now it is clear to me that Charlotte Thompson Iserbyt was spot on in her 1996 book "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America", when she began noticing that children were no longer being taught academics, (being deliberately dumbed-down) while having their intellects spoonfed with state sponsored psychologies. And that alone is scary.
But think about it. WHY aren't kids learning basic math anymore? WHY are more and more children growing up to be illiterate? "Oh but we can't have any left behind". One of the biggest scams of the state is to first create and sell a crisis, and then pretend that it is saving us from that horrible thing by wrapping its already precreated 'solutions' in all kinds of wonderful and philanthropic sounding sentiments! And if you haven't started spotting examples of this in your world, you might still be pretty Goddamed asleep!
If the people can be told what to accept are 'noble and valiant causes', then they can be made ever more ripe for deception and takeover! If the people can be conditioned to accept whatever the state insists is 'good', then it will have no problem getting them to swallow whatever toxic agendas it wants to sell them:
"Sure socialism means the few will acquire more control over many things. But remember kiddos, the state loves you and is always your savior, and you are a part of this great big thing called 'Our Wonderful Democracy. If you're 'Progressive' and believe in the advancement of humanity and would like to be a part of affecting your world for the better; if you'd like to be just like those valiant social heroes who once 'stood up' for some noble cause, you'll vote for more Socialism sponsored by your all-loving State! Sure you're gonna have to give up those pesky rights however, but who cares, only hateful and oppressive 'White Supremacists' believing in the old and outdated ways of this world want those things anyways. You don't be like the racist bigots who talk about individualism, freedom, and guns, just let us take the reigns of society and our wonderful Democracy, and we promise we'll take care of you!"
Again I know these things I'm saying are exceptionally brief and vague, but I am convinced these are precisely what are happening. And it should raise some questions in your head such as why it is we're becoming ever more dumbed-down while being told by that same entity what it means to be 'socially just' and having our minds 'primed' for that moment when we 'stand up' like noble and valiant heroes, and vote for more controls by the state over our lives, under the guise that such things are going to somehow save humanity. History has many times proven to show precisely the opposite. Such things never seem to bother the power-hungry though, for they'll always end up living on high in their palaces while managing society and benefiting from the labors of everybody else below them.
What you are seeing in today's 'breads and circuses' mentality as well as this blatant 'idiocracy' happening around this nation with people becoming more and more illiterate while 'protesting' one thing (supposed 'racism' and 'sexism') while begging for another (Socialism) are not by mere circumstance, but by design! We're witnessing the fruits of a society being evermore and systematically 'dumbed-down'. And I am convinced so that one day the few can control the many as people hungry for more and more power have always wanted! Should we let them!
Just some more thoughts for that dome of yours! Hope you see it and can make yourself as well as your kids aware of what's happening.
Love and enlightenment. Shane 'Liberty' Braden! <3 ~V~ ;)