(no fancy banner yet because I haven't had a lot of time recently to make one)
So my roommate and I play Dungeons & Dragons at a local place every Sunday. There is an ongoing game that he sticks with and that I join from time to time but it gets crowded so I tend to jump from one campaign to another. The one from yesterday won't be resuming for 2 weeks because the DM is on vacation, for example, so I'll probably play with another group for those two weeks and join his campaign again if we have enough people interested.
This week was quite interesting. Myself and 2 other women, playing respectively a qunari fighter, a tiefling druid and a dragonborn wizard. The DM did let me play a qunari because he was fine with homebrew races since I had some idea of what I was doing and based her stats off a tiefling.
The back story was that we were part of an empire that had conquered much of the world, and we were out doing more conquering. However we were recalled, as the capitol city had been attacked and destroyed by what of the world wasn't under their thumb. Our commanding officer, ourselves, and about a thousand other soldiers returned and found all the devastation so we were split up and given orders. The orders for myself, the druid, the wizard and a fourth member who was a NPC played by the DM were to go up to the manor of the governor and clear it out.
Since a lot of magic was used in the assault it opened many rifts to other planes of existence. This meant demons and other infernal beings wandering around, as well as the carnage having attracted lots of monsters and of course zombies.
When we come into the first room there's two harpies, and the body of a dead soldier in one corner. Given later circumstances the DM likely intended for us to loot the body, but instead our wizard apparently has some necromancy-based spells and decided to raise the soldier to fight for us. Easy stuff; the zombie was completely under her control, she didn't have to make any checks to keep control of it, and the spell lasted for 24 hours.
That zombie made it all the way through the manor with us, spawning multiple jokes about him being our mascot and the eventual name of Jeff since the soldier's body was too decayed to give an identity and he had nothing on him to indicate who he was. Heck, we weren't even sure the body was male.
Also jokes about the token human, as the NPC soldier with us was just a human male fighter and as I stated before our PCs were a qunari, dragonborn and tiefling. All kinds of laughs as we joked in-character with him about being the only male and the only human and the shortest one XD
We eventually fought the final boss, a big demon, and he shoved me into the fireplace a few times so I came away with some charred skin and damage to my armor but between myself, the other two, the NPC and the lovely Jeff we managed to make it work.
Sadly as we were taking a long rest to wait for our orders the spell wore off and Jeff was no longer with us. We gave him a funeral pyre, and the wizard took the sword he had been using as a 'gift' from him. She named it "Jeff's Sword" after the DM said she could name it whatever the heck she liked. A silver, magical sword which gave her advantage when using it in combat.
The following bit was basically being given a choice of three places to go and reclaim - a harbor so we could start bringing in more troops, the market part of the city so we could have shops to open up trade and commerce again for our soldiers, or the outlying farms so we could start growing crops and food to help sustain the incoming soldiers.
After some discussion we decided on the harbor. NPC's would be sent to the two places we didn't go and had a chance to succeed there, and taking back the harbor just meant it was safe; they'd still have to send messengers to far shores to get troops to come home and we could use that time to get to the other areas.
Along the way we encountered some members of a former spy network that had no orders and weren't sure what to do since the governor had died. My character gave them 100 gold, all she had been paid for her work clearing the manor, to get back up and running and get a mile back to the manor and get orders from the commanding officer.
Next was a line of bodies along the road. The road had been cleared, and it was obvious to us that someone had come through and just moved the bodies off to the side and not disposed of them. Our wizard decided a Jeff 2 was in order and we resurrected the best body she could find. Jeff 2 made it to the harbor with us but sadly perished there fighting a water elemental and an ambush drake. As did our second human NPC companion after being torn apart by said drake while we were dealing with the elemental.
The campaign ended because the other two had to go home, but not before we got word that the market had been retaken successfully so if all goes well and we pick it up and 2 weeks we'll be headed for the fields to get those up and running and take it from there.
My favorite quote of the campaign, of course, was our DM saying in a frustrated tone "I'm a trained architect I should be able to draw a damn circle!" as he was drawing on the dry-erase map. He was drawing the usual slightly wobbly lines and more oval than anything circles for furniture representatives and the like and was apparently unhappy with that so he literally started using a ruler for lines and more than a quick second for circles XD
If I get back to the regular campaign this next Sunday I'll give the back story there too, but hopefully I can jump in with a new one because I like creating characters and I do like to see what different DMs have to offer.