Building a Granny Flat: What You Need to Know?

in duplex •  3 months ago 

The duplex house is a modern concept involving two separate residences united in a single building. That represents a creative alternative solution by duplex builders in Bowral that fits the specific needs of families and the limited urban space. Here are its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, and what you need to know when you decide to build such a building! Keep reading to learn everything about it because many of the tips presented may help you even if choosing building a granny flat. Be aware of the steps and take notes.

A duplex house consists of 2 independent living units connected by a common wall (vertical plane) or a ceiling (horizontal plane). Practically, a construction, usually symmetrical, is divided into two parts with distinct access areas. These units can be different in terms of surface area and interior design. Due to the connecting wall, the roof structure, the sanitary, electrical, and thermal installations, and other elements that can be shared, the costs for purchasing and maintaining a duplex house are lower than for a traditional home with the same area.

What Characteristics Do Duplexes Have?

To better understand how a duplex house differs from a traditional one, here are the most essential characteristics of such a construction:
• common wall or floor - the building is divided by the duplex builders in Bowral into two separate areas partially or, as a rule, entirely through a wall;
• separate entrances - the access to the houses can be both in the area of the shared wall and the sides of the building for greater privacy;
• a single structure and a standard roof - this reduces costs for construction and maintenance;
• efficient use of land - the opportunity to use the plot efficiently.

Does the Design Differ from When Building a Granny Flat?

When building a duplex, many things can be the same as when building a granny flat. The design can look similar to some facilities, but the only visible difference is the typical house. As for the design and facilities, you can conclude:
• symmetrical design - a duplex-type construction is, in general, more imposing and has a pleasant appearance;
• shared facilities - duplex houses can be separated or have interior (kitchen, gym, living room, etc.) or exterior (terrace, pavilion, swimming pool, etc.) areas both families can use.

This way, essential resources will be saved and directed to high-quality finishes and arrangements.

Suppose you choose to build such a building from scratch in Bowral. In that case, you will need fewer building materials and significant savings: the common wall does not need to be thermally insulated and finished, the roof structure is smaller, the required square meters of wrappers, etc. At the same time, the half of the house you don't live in can be rented or sold to get a part of the investment. One of the significant advantages of living in a duplex home is the economy of thermal energy. One of the sides of the building is protected from wind and temperature changes, which means lower heating bills for both families.

Increased security is also something duplex builders recommend for these houses. Duplex houses offer a high degree of security for two reasons: the entrances are entirely separate, and the neighbours can supervise the entire building while you are away or quickly intervene in case of a problem. You can discuss ways to access the keys to the other house or any other security measures you consider necessary. It is recommended to purchase a duplex house and share it with family, relatives, or friends. It is an excellent way to care for your parents or give your children independence without physical distancing.

Advantages and Disadvantages

One of the advantages, even if you don't share the house with people you know, is that it's an excellent way to build good relations with your neighbours. Also, a neighbourhood with such buildings improves the feeling of belonging to a united community, such as when building a granny flat. Despite its apparent advantages, the duplex house also comes with some negative aspects: the lower degree of privacy, the need to have the consent of the roommates for specific changes, and possible disputes between the neighbours. Even if the units of a duplex house are separated, the degree of privacy is lower than in the case of an independent house.

Moreover, the same aspect is valid regardless of whether the outdoor area is common or delimited - it is more challenging to organize private activities in the courtyard of the building. Limiting changes is also a disadvantage for those wanting to make changes. If you want to make structural changes affecting the entire building in Bowral or modernize standard installations, you need your neighbours’ consent. Also, the expansion of the living space, the renovation of the facade, or other projects aimed at the design of the duplex house must be discussed with the other owners.

Possible Problems with Neighbours

In the case of a duplex house, disputes between neighbours can quickly arise. It would be ideal to know the family that lives next to you or to share the building with friends or relatives with whom you are on good terms. Displeasures can arise, mainly because of the noise, but the situation is preferable to living in an apartment building, where apartments on several sides surround you. When you contact the duplex builders to build a house, you must consider several aspects. You must ensure that you have the property documents in order and that the space planning corresponds to all your needs.

In addition, you must consider the delimitation of the yard, as well as sound insulation and thermal insulation. Checking the property documents and the zonal regulations is essential to ensure the house complies with the laws. That also applies when you intending building a granny flat. To obtain maximum functionality, it is necessary to properly plan the interior and exterior space, the house and the garden's access, and the delimitation of private areas. Whether small or large, the project for a duplex home must be practical.

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