
in e •  last year 

My 39th birthday. I would decriminalize abortion in a sense but then encourage people to take doctors to court for baby murder, cut the funding of abortion doctors minus maybe a few abortion related exceptions, maybe take some potential mothers to trial too depending on the details/not pre-crime. Made 2 videos comparing my first 20 years of my life to my second almost 20 years to compare/contrast differences/similarities between two sets of twenty years because not only do I study psychology/anthropology/sociology as it relates to individuals/groups of people but also as it relates to the passage of time, like I am curious about how we move through time as we get older, curious of patterns especially.

Catnipchip has the power to get Leo out of prison in my Oatmeal Discord Server, she's lying or unaware of the many times I've mentioned how slash commands via Carl bot can promote/demote, type /role add and /role remove to free/enslave people in my server.

My 39th birthday, all I want is you join my server videos.

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