I am sure all of you heard a lot of Telegram as a substitute for Whatsapp after the company's new terms , but that's not our post's subject .
What if you can actually use Telegram to earn crypto?
Thanks to these telegram bots you can earn crypto like Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin for only surfing websites
So what are you waiting for join telegram :
For Android : https://telegram.org/dl/android | For IOS : https://telegram.org/dl/ios
Earn Bitcoin : https://t.me/BitcoinClick_bot?start=Axevg
Earn Bitcoin Cash: https://t.me/BCH_clickbot?start=F8058
Earn Litecoin: https://t.me/Litecoin_click_bot?start=QrNTj
I will be back soon with another post that offers a list of legit android apps and games to earn crypto