Earn 100 USD a day:The main operating mode of the website

in earn •  3 years ago 

There are two ways to sell products on the Internet. One type is on the mall. This type generally depends on service and price advantages Taobao. Their prices change every day. My books are available on these three stations at the same time. From the price of 18 USD to the price war of 12 USD, as long as there is one adjustment, Others will be adjusted immediately, so the current malls still rely on price advantages for the marketing core of common products.
   Products suitable for mall-style operation are high-demand multi-brand products, such as mobile phones, books, health care products, etc. This type of advantage must be an absolute price advantage, because it is too easy to shop around on the Internet.
Another form is the bidding mode. The bidding mode is mostly original or unique brands, which are sold on Taobao. It is not that it does not affect the sales on the bidding. It means that everyone trusts some brand sites, that is, the bidding page.
Brands and bidding products are mostly conceptual speculation products. Products with a profit margin of more than 500 USD are suitable for bidding promotion. Most of these products are three-no products, purely for speculation. The virtual nature of the network makes Merchants can easily exploit loopholes.
Products to be promoted by bidding must be unique. If you bid to promote a Samsung mobile phone, it will definitely be ineffective. For mobile phone sellers and Taobao everywhere, it is advertised. On the one hand, the success of the bidding is that there is information. Symmetry means that people know this ad page, but don’t know how to search Taobao.
The current malls can do very well. Most of them follow the B2C model, where manufacturers directly supply the malls. The malls rely on absolute price advantages to sell. For example, Dangdang and Zhuoyue are cheaper than bookstores, almost a meager profit. For the promotion, the profit of a book is less than 1 USD, and it is even sold at a loss.
If a book can be purchased for 10 USD at Dangdang, and 15 USD at Zhuoyue, no matter how loud the excellent brand is, everyone will still choose to go for Dangdang. This is why some comparison stations are very popular. For example, "Ctrip" and "Quora" are similar comparison stations that can compare prices of the same product in major shopping malls, allowing consumers to buy the cheapest things.
   So we have analyzed it. Pantao.com is positioned as a health care product and is a shopping mall model. If you want to make a breakthrough in this model, you must have two points:

  1. The popular brand products sold on the mall are also sold on Taobao. The price is guaranteed to be the lowest in the entire network, except for fakes. Just like Dangdang and JD.com, JD.com has a reporting function. If you find it on the Internet Some mall products are lower than ours, please let us know. Popular brands must have an absolute price advantage before they can be quickly promoted on the Internet.
  2. Try to launch as many exclusive agency products as possible, that is, exclusive monopoly products on the Internet, so that no matter how large profit margins are, it does not matter. After all, it is your own decision. The previous products are used to obtain search data, and the purpose is to retain Many consumers of health care products, and exclusive agency products, are used to truly realize huge profits and income. Dangdang and Zhuoyue do the same. Most of the best-selling books are promoted at a loss in order to attract popularity. My books are sold at the price of the library. It is 12 USD a book, but in terms of excellence, you can buy it with a shipping fee of 12 USD. The purpose is to drive popularity. Some books, such as "Ghost Blowing Lantern", are directly signed and sold exclusively. These books are for them. Monopoly-style profiteering book.
       Therefore, the flat peach model must be positioned accurately, whether to use popular low-priced products to impact the market and to make the brand first, or to decide to create an exclusive brand to make high profits.
    The bidding model is currently a huge profit model, but because it is a huge profit, there are many people who participate and many people participate, which results in excessively high traffic costs. Generally, a transaction for a customer requires about 300 USD of traffic, while ordinary mass brands Commodities do not have a profit margin of 300 USD, and the bidding model is not suitable for team-based branding operations.
       The Vancl model is not a bidding model. The Vancl model is a model that pays advertising fees based on sales commissions. At the same time, the Vancl model is also an exclusive brand.
    Therefore, the positioning of Pantao.com should be: take the route of many ultra-low-priced product malls, even cheap promotion, with the goal of reaching as many health care product consumer groups as possible. You can do a survey. The health care products on Taobao sell very well. Stores in, all follow the low-price model, and most of them repeat customers. This is why the price of many health products on Taobao is lower than the ex-factory price. The purpose is to support these user groups and promote other products to them.
    At the same time, we have to take the route of creating exclusive products. The former is to create search traffic and create a large number of fixed consumers, and the latter is to generate revenue for the entire sales. Just relying on information asymmetry is not big, because network information It is becoming more and more symmetrical. Whenever people encounter products, they will go to Taobao to compare them. This is why Dangdang and Excellence are both low-priced models.
    Low-priced products create traffic, high-priced products create revenue, and when corporatization is used to sign exclusive online promotion rights, the absolute lowest price can be ensured, just like selling books, Dangdang and Zhuoyue both get the goods directly from the publishing house. It is impossible for an individual to get a cheaper product than Dangdang from a publishing house, so these stations have an absolute price advantage.
    The B2C market is larger than the C2C market. C2C is a gathering place for fakes. So Taobao is cunningly turning to B2C, allowing companies to open stores instead of individuals. In addition, taxation platforms and after-sales service platforms will be added in the future. At the same time, a certificate verification platform will be added to check whether a product is a fake or a three-no product.
    In contrast, the B2C mall with a branded sales platform shows this advantage. I would rather spend 25 USD to buy a book for excellence than to buy it on Taobao for 20 USD, because I am afraid Bought the D version.
    X.COM.CN sells equipment and is now engaged in a price war, but these are not the core of his profit. His core of profit is the sales ranking. The first in this sales ranking is usually men taking drugs. , The price is above 1,000 USD, and the profit is almost 1,000 USD. This is their core profit point. Just like MAX-MAN, relying on the false concept of "growth", its annual sales are 200 million USD.
      There is no industry that does not make money, there are only people who do not make money. There is no shortage of creativity, capital, and talents on the Internet, but what is lacking is an excellent executive team.
    Everyone knows the creativity. I analyzed it above, but most people frightened themselves and denied themselves, telling themselves that we can’t do this, because there are a lot of funds, and there are so many rich people. China's million-dollar millionaires occupy the top 5 in the world, but there are too few people who can make money and more talents.
    So whether this can be done depends not on whether we can talk about the lowest agency or whether we can create our own exclusive brand, but on two teams, one is the executive team directly managed by Pantao, which is to execute him. The team of ideas, from technology, planning, and customer service, has achieved excellent or even perfect cooperation. The other team is the sub-station team, which determines whether the station can be popular in the first time.
       To make it clear, I am a free person and do not speak for anyone. This is not a soft article or advertisement. It is just a consultation with many friends, let me say my views, and I just write my own views.
       Pantao’s customer service team knows all about health care products, and I have taken some of them. They consulted them, so the customer service team is top-notch.
  3. Is the threshold of this project high enough? Different people doing the same thing will produce different results. Let the whole class of EMBA graduates do this project to ensure that they do well, or put the Chinese CEO We all yelled to do this project. Conversely, if a group of people who have just failed to start a business or are eager for quick success enter this team, everyone will have no sense of career, just want to grab a hand, or even want to come and make money without doing anything. This kind of circle, It is absolutely impossible to do so, so we must raise the threshold. A person does not have his own business in reality before the age of 30, the same on the Internet, because it is emotional intelligence that determines income.
       2. Can the training keep up? For the vast majority of people, they don’t want to earn 500 USD/day on the Internet, but only want to make 50 USD/day. Everyone understands the concept of 500 USD very clearly. It is a painted cake, only a few people are eating it, so the training must keep up with the rhythm, so that everyone can use the sub-station as a training ground and make some stable money. If a project can be stably made, let people do it. 50 USD/day, then this project can find 100 million people to join in China, so the training is very important. The most important point of the training is to make everyone feel that even if they don’t make money, they have earned knowledge and are I have met a group of friends. When we are not training, we will not communicate in the circle, but when we are training, we have formed a huge circle of friends through enthusiastic communication.
  4. Dare to be eliminated, a knife. The longer it is, the more fragile it is. Therefore, the level must be unified. When the overall level of the group of people in a circle is very similar, the circle can be very stable, and the level difference will be greater. , The more unstable. Therefore, we must dare to eliminate the sub-station masters who are not suitable for the team.
    My point of view is: The model is theoretically feasible, but whether it can be successfully operated depends on whether the team can be developed as scheduled, and the unified training and management of the team can be achieved, so that everyone can do a little bit. , The first thing to turn on the computer is to go to the group to see if there are any latest chat records, and if there are any newest things. To do this, the cohesion of the team is first-class.
    A friend asked whether the flat peach model should be added, or whether the flat peach model is not appropriate. In fact, I think any model is secondary. On the Internet, the model is always secondary, just like some people use forums for creative sites. Some are self-developed programs, some use UC chat rooms, some use video, and I use the guestbook program, which has also developed, so the model is secondary, and it is a secondary link than technology. .
    When discussing in the group the day before yesterday, a friend suggested that it is wrong to understand that there is a sentence, "Technology is the most important link", I said that this sentence is indeed wrong, this sentence is used by me to warn some networks People from outsiders, tell them, don’t dare to get involved in this industry because you don’t know the technology.
       I compare the people who work in the online earning industry to those who make real estate. Construction technology is secondary to those who make real estate. Knowing how to sell a house is more important, but is the technology of a house important? Of course it is important. Without good construction quality, this house will have problems, but the technology is important to whom and to the construction company, and we hired the construction company to do the work.
    For those who want to join, including those who join other people’s training, I never give anyone a suggestion, because you let me say, I must say that Pantao.com is good, because I am with him every day, but you let me say I don’t do more propaganda. My opinion is:
  5. Risk-bearing ability, whether the initial fee is the milk powder money of you and your children? If yes, I suggest you keep it. Don't take such a big risk. Any project is risky. When the money is not in your hands, it will be There are risks, including in the bank, there are risks even in your hands, what if the wind blows away?
    Yesterday, a friend from abroad offered me the opportunity to study and asked me if I would do it. I said it. He said it was risky. I said it. Because I know that any profiteering is a high risk. You don’t need to tell me if there is no risk. , I don’t think it is necessary.
      3. Any investment pays off. Some scientists have studied for a lifetime and come to a conclusion: This is nowhere. From the day you start to invest, you have to learn with the mentality of losing all this money, and you have to feel that they owe you, you have to ask them faint, and you have to ask a "hundred thousand why" a day. Spending money is not to be an uncle, but to be a book boy, to study hard, even if this project fails, you know better than anyone else, why this project failed, and to associate with the biggest leader of this project To become a friend, even if he fails, he can dare to do such a big thing, it shows that his IQ is very high. He is a hero if he does good things, and he can become a thief if he does bad things, just because he is afraid that good things will not do much. To do bad things can only be a thief.
    Don’t participate in anything with the mentality of getting rich overnight, including the lottery. Don’t hold on to the lottery, and do it with the mentality of donation. If you make a profit, you feel that you have made a profit, but you don’t think it’s a return. The valuable things in a circle are different. One is knowledge, and the other is a circle of friends. You have to desperately grab knowledge and make friends with all your might. In addition to these two, you can go with everyone on any project or the like.
    I have seen many project failures, but I can always see the smiling faces of losers, because some of them feel that they have made a profit, while some are busy complaining, and some feel that they have learned enough This is because of your own mentality. When you are in a circle, you are robbing things, rather than waiting for the master to distribute things to you. The master is so busy and there are so many people. Friends.
  6. Don’t hand in suspects, don’t hand in doubt, when you decide to participate, don’t complain, even if you ignore you from the day you participate, you have to pay for your risk identification ability. This is right. So don’t complain when you encounter any setbacks. This is a new model. There will be setbacks in the operation process, but only by working together with Big Brother Pantao can we develop together. If there are setbacks, we can withdraw. This is not a perfect one. Team.
    For the participants, this is definitely an opportunity to exercise. After all, this is a regular station mode. The regular station mode can not only exercise the flow of the first stage, but also exercise the purchase flow of the second stage, and can also exercise the third stage. Team management, so this will not be a short process. It may take more than half a year to find the direction. Everyone must have enough psychological preparation and a career mentality to do things. At the same time, they must have the belief that they will win, because you have experienced After starting this venture, many models of their own may be extended in the future, directly drawing on its advanced management experience.
    These days, I have been helping Pantao analyze the problem of the model, but I have always insisted on the view that the model is not important, the team is the most important, so we must put the formation of the team and the training of the team in the first place, and do the following at the same time A series of preparations.
  7. Do a few stations first, for example, select 5 more experienced veterans, give them a set of shopping malls, and allow them to use their own domain name and space, LOGO and brand, and let them test the promotion and income for 20 days Circumstances, during the period, you can also test and purchase traffic placement, and the team is responsible for providing traffic support.
    Then everyone should write their own experience and experience, and observe the income of the 20 days. If these 5 people are stable and profitable in the 20 days, and they do well, then the investment promotion will explode overnight. Newcomers and friends will join the team one after another.
    That's why I said that if it were Vancl's current recruiting total points model, they would do a good job. The reason is that their brand is already a successful case. Now everything is groping, so when you are groping, you might as well. Find a few testers and do the income test, because the income test is the best result.
    Let me talk about another example. In 2007, someone launched a project in which a few veterans also participated, and wrote their own experiences, and agreed with the authenticity of the project. As a result, the project was completed within a few days. This is the reason why we have achieved hundreds of thousands of investment invitations. We will not pursue the future development of this project, but only talk about the issue of investment promotion.
    Income is the best way to persuade newcomers. I suggested this at the time. Because there is a sales girl in the flat peach company, it is easy to use the mall to make a few thousand USD a month. At that time, I suggested that she go to the forum to open a special area. Write your own experience and experience, sister Han's investment promotion is like this, that is, first write her own success stories, and then let others take the initiative to join her model.
       If this thing is done in the Vancl mode, it will be easy and successful, and there is no need to find someone to verify it, because they are a successful mode, and when we take it over and do it, we can also succeed.
       2. Customer service must be unified. I have done the main sub-station, and the sub-station masters do customer service and sales by themselves, but the sub-station masters tend to make too many promises with others, and even give some false things, or gifts, or promises, and at the same time. The quality of the webmasters is not uniform, and everyone's behaviors are not uniform. If a sub-webmaster has a problem, it will cause a problem with the image of the entire circle, and finally lead to more and more taints on the brand.
    Therefore, it is necessary to have a unified customer service, open a 400 call, and everyone will call 400 for consultation if there is a problem. If there is a problem, it will be directly transferred to the technology to handle. The sub-station manager only needs to do the traffic. Consultation, sales, delivery, and commission payment are all done by the main station.
  8. The model should surpass Taobao. An important factor that restricts Taobao's sales of health products is that many people do not have online banking, especially middle-aged and elderly people, not to mention. The current B2C platform mostly adopts the cash on delivery model. So if the mall wants to do a good job, it must adopt a cash on delivery model.
  9. The domain name and LOGO must be unified, and the information of the sub-site master must be shielded. No information is required. When entering the sub-site, you cannot see any information of the sub-site. All you see are the information of the main site, and the contact information is also For the main station, the domain name can be customized. At the same time, each branch is automatically assigned to a second-level domain name, and it is also allowed to bind the domain name. If the LOGO and personal information are added freely, this is a very messy brand.
  10. The website should be beautiful and professional. It gives people the impression that this is a large company website. Most branded websites are secondary development based on the mall, which is more beautiful and the overall effect of the page is better. At the same time, the color of the website is uniform.
      6. ​​The terminus must provide commission inquiry, substation authenticity inquiry, and flow inquiry. At the same time, there is also a sales ranking of the substations on the terminus. You can even cancel the terminus directly, just like Daigou website, there is no terminus directly.
    Daigou.com is a website with a total score model. It is cash on delivery. The program is developed by itself. It is quite beautiful. You can join one for 199 USD. If it is promoted, as long as someone buys it, it will give 50% of the commission. The core is to rely on purchasing agents to make a profit, and the core of website promotion is to develop an agency, because the development of an agency is equivalent to making N times of publicity.
       When we did mobile phone registration to watch movies, everyone just entered this circle at that time. Generally, the first registration was the webmaster himself, who used his mobile phone to register.
    Daigou.com has captured this mentality. Many people think that they can return 50% of the commission. Then when I buy things on my own station, it is quite cheap, so the agency is the main consumer group in this circle. Developed an agent and sent a station, which is equivalent to cultivating a dominant consumer.
    Just like the development of a total-point health care product station, these sub-station managers must buy their own sub-stations. It is a truth. It is easier to develop a sub-station than to develop a consumer, because people who want to make money More.
      7. Having a party, a face-to-face party, can really make a station, from there to no, it is also a contract signing meeting. Finding more Internet celebrities to participate will naturally attract many experts to participate.
    Understand is the administrator and operator of the webmaster university. The Pantao Merchants Advertising is the advertisement on our webmaster university. According to the truth, I have this responsibility to make recommendations for everyone, but any project is profitable , All of them are not profitable, so I recommend that they are profitable. Some participants may complain about me. I say that it is not profitable. Those who may profit may say that I am hypocritical, so I still give everyone the right to choose. This is a good project, and this is my only word.
       At the same time, I also hope that everyone chooses calmly, don't be too hot-headed, and don't be overly cautious. Our circle and our group will give full support to the development of Pantao.com in technology and direction.
       Everyone has doubts, I think it would be better to go to Pantao to have a face-to-face interview. On the one hand, I met a friend, on the other hand, I can also examine the company’s true strength. ~
    Brother Pantao asked me to give a lecture in the evening and analyze the model of Pantao. I suggest you how to learn according to the sub-station. This is my lecture draft. I hope that I can bring you the most sincere learning attitude. Da, the team is the most important, the model is not important, the road is very long, the more people join, the bigger the model is, and the fewer people join, the lower the chance of this model being implemented.
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