Really, blogging is a tested method of generating income. Since I've been generating a respectable income from blogging for more than ten years, I can affirm that anyone who puts in the effort may succeed in this field.
You should strongly consider using the Blogger blogging platform if you're seeking for free ways to start a blog because it's not only simple to set up but also allows you to start earning money via AdSense.
Here is a step-by-step manual on how to start a free blogspot site and start earning money with AdSense. Before getting into the specifics, we will first address a few crucial queries.
Step 1: Sign up for
First of all, go to home page and sign up.
Step 2: Enter a name for your blog
Enter any title you choose for your blog's name in the Title field. Simply input any brief domain name; if it's already used, a yellow box will appear. Make sure to think of a distinct name before choosing a template from the list of choices in the same box. Later, after selecting a template, you can further customise your blog.
Step 3: Start creating new blog posts
Click the button “Create New Post” on the left side to create a new blog post. Enter any title and start writing content that you want.
Step 4: Google AdSense!
You can apply for AdSense to start earning money once your blogspot blogs have begun receiving a respectable number of visitors from search engines. If you aren't bringing in at least 300–400 unique visitors per day, wait to apply for AdSense. Otherwise, getting your account accepted is quite difficult.