Refercoins Bounty Review.

in earnbitcoin •  5 years ago 


Hello Everyone. Welcome to My Blog. Today is this blog. I am going to talk about Refercoins bounty Promote site, and Cryptocurrency Analysis and Promote Vest Popolarity site web site. Now You asking Me What is Refercoins Actually? Well Refercoins is a Cryptocurrency Coin Promotionally Best site. I mean you know there are Cryptocurrency promotion platform in Cryptocurrency industry. But Most of them fake and more then unactive Platform. But Refercoins is very active and very much faster promote website or platform. Refercoins Cryptocurrency promotion possibility very high. . Lest go How I show you How to Create Refercoins Participate. At Fast Click then click Registration button then you see a form fillap this form. Provide your username and Parsonal your password then Confirm Password then click on registration button. You have already account you login here. Now you show dashboard then show all Bounty campaign. Present Campaign Running Name: Twitter, Facebook, video, Article, Bitcointalk signature Campaign. Choose Your Bounty and Method Participate and Big Profit income. YOU can see here Reward Bitcoin, Etherium Network here. Payment is very Fast. You can see Payment method coinbash, Blockchain wallet etc. Now I show you Refercoins Participate and Simple working Bounty and big Reward earning and fast withdraw. You can see here Bounty option Facebook, Twitter, Video, Bitcointalk signature and article. Now I show you Facebook Campaign. Bounty hunters are rewarded for sharing Facebook posts. Share posts posted from Refercoins Facebook page within 14 days after their publication. CustomerToggle navigation
Refercoins Facebook Campaign

Submission Per User

Reward Amount User
0.2 mBTC


End Date

Refercoins Facebook Campaign
Posted by Refercoins - 36 Days Left
Bounty hunters are rewarded for sharing Facebook posts. Share posts posted from Refercoins Facebook page within 14 days after their publication.


1- Submit your Facebook ID tin the form below and wait for approval.

2- Once approved, Log into your facebook account to follow and like:

3- Share recent posts from Refercoins Facebook account at

4- After sharing, take a screenshot and upload it in the "My Work" section in your Refercoins account.

That's it!
When your work is approved, payment will be credited to your Refercoins wallet.

• Minimum Friends Required: 100+ friends
• Facebook profile must be set to public
• Must Follow Refercoins Page on Facebook:
• Must Like Original Post
• Must not share the same post twice
• Maximum Share: 3 times
• Maximum Share Per Week: 2 times per week
• Every share must not be deleted.

0.0002 BTC per share (0.2 mBTC)
Now I show you Twitter Campaign.
Bounty hunters are rewarded for posting quoted retweets of Refercoins Tweets (@refercoins). Simply retweet the latest tweets from Refercoins twitter account and earn Bitcoin. Retweet tweets that were posted in the past 14 days.

1- Submit your Twitter ID in the form below and wait for approval.

2- Once approved, Use your twitter account to retweet recent tweets from the Refercoins twitter account.

3- After retweeting, take a screenshot and upload it in the "My Work" section in your refercoins account.

That's it!
When your work is approved, payment will be credited to your Refercoins wallet.

• Minimum Followers Required: 100+
• Must Include at least 3 Hashtags from the list below
• Must Like Original Tweet
• All tweets must be quoted retweets
• Maximum Retweet: 3 times
• Maximum Retweet Per Week: 2 times per week
• Must not retweet the same tweet twice.
• Retweet must not be deleted.

#EarnBitcoin #Bitcoin #EarnCrypto #EarnMoney #Refercoins

0.0002 BTC per tweet (0.2 mBTC)
Now I show you Refercoins Forum Signature Campaign. is recruiting 30 Bitcointalk members to join the Signature Campaigns. Earn Bitcoin as you participate in the forum. Participate for up to 6 weeks and get paid weekly.
1- Create an account at

2- In your Refercoins account dashboard, browse to the "Refercoins - Signature" campaign page. Submit the form at the bottom of that page to participate in the bounty campaign. Provide details about your account at Bitcoin talk. Please include Username and membership level.

3- Once approved, Use the codes below for your signature, text and avatar. You must complete 15 posts a week.

4- When you complete 15 posts, please go to "My Work" section and submit the links to verify your posts.

That's it!
Every week, your reward will be credited to your Refercoins wallet. You can retrieve at any time.


Jr.Member: 1.5 mBTC (0.0015 BTC)
Sr. Member / Full Member: 2.6 mBTC (0.0026 BTC)
Hero/Legendary Member: 5 mBTC (0.005 BTC)


  • Make 15 posts per week.

  • No payment for less than 15 valid posts per week.

  • Posts must be high-quality/constructive 15 posts a week. excluding the bounty threads, draws, lotteries, contests, politics, hype, exchanges, other spam.

  • Posts should be atleast 150 characters without spaces, punctuation, URLs, quotes, images, and emoji emoticons.

  • Quotes/links/images posts will not count.

  • Posts in local threads are accepted.

  • if you are not active for a week you will be dropped from the campaign.

  • Keep the signature until the end of the campaign. If you get banned on forum during the bounty campaign your bounty will not count.

  • You will be disqualified for removing the signature before campaign end.

  • Signature codes are available on teh Bitcointalk thread.

  • Note: only high-quality posts that relate to the thread theme, in which you write and make sense will be accepted. spamming, plagiarism are not accepted.

  • we retain the rights to disqualify any post/topic you made towards the payment. accept/deny/remove anyone any time. End the campaign in any week however if it cross first 4 days of the week then you will get full payment for that week. change the rules or pay rates for new rounds.

  • participants earn weekly according to the following schedule:

June 8 - June 15
June 15 - June 22
June 22 - June 29
June 29 - July 6
July 6 - July 13
July 20 - July 27

  • Payment done on Monday of every week for previous week.
    Now I show you Refercoins - Video Campaign.
    Bounty hunters are rewarded to create a positive video about Refercoins. The video must be posted to your Youtube channel. Reward is based on the quality of the video.
    Refercoins is a bounty network where users (bounty hunters) can earn Bitcoin and cryptocurrency to complete tasks.
    Refercoins pays bounties in Bitcoin.

1- In the form below indicate where you will be posting the video and provide some information about your channel.
2- Once approved, You can start creating the video and submit it to your Youtube channel. The video must be of good video and sound quality as well as interesting content.
3- After Posting the Video, Go to "My Work" section and submit the link to your Video.
That's it!
When your work is approved, payment will be credited to your Refercoins wallet.


•    Describe Refercoins and it's features.
•    Your channel must have atleast 100 subscribers.
•    The video must be atleast 3 minutes long.
•    Video must mention Refercoins atleast 3 times.
•    Languages accepted: English, Spanish, German, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, French, Portuguese, Turkish.
•    Your video must be original, not copied. Plagiarism or use of spam or copied material, unfavorable information, will be considered as invalid submissions.
•    Maximum 2 videos per participant. each video must be different in content or it will not be accepted.
•    Maximum 1 video per week.
•    Payment will be refused for low quality or uninteresting video.
•    Video must not be deleted/removed at any time.

Reward per article is based on quality:

Good: 2.0 mBTC (0.0020 BTC)
Very Good: 5.0 mBTC (0.0050 BTC)
Excellent: 10.0 mBTC (0.010 BTC)

Now I show you how to click Refercoins Original Article Campaign.
Bounty hunters are rewarded to write an article with positive writings about Refercoins and post it on their blog/website. Article must have at least 500 words.
Refercoins is a bounty network where users (bounty hunters) can earn Bitcoin and cryptocurrency to complete tasks.
Refercoins pays bounties in Bitcoin.

1- In the form below indicate what you will be writing about and include a link of your website/blog
2- Once approved, You can start writing the article and submit it to your blog/website. The article must be written in English without grammatical errors.
3- After Posting the article, Go to "My Work" section and submit the link to your post/article.
That's it!
When your work is approved, payment will be credited to your Refercoins wallet.

• The Blogs and Sites accepted to obtain the rewards are: Medium, blogger, WordPress, personal websites, third-party websites and any website that is strictly related to cryptocurrencies.
• The posts and articles published must contain a minimum of 500 words.
• Article must include at least 1 link to Refercoins website
• Post must include 1 image. Image must be related to the subject but not taken from our website.
• Post must be written in English without grammatical errors.
• Your post must be original, not copied. Plagiarism or use of spam or copied publications, unfavorable information, will be considered as invalid submissions.
• Maximum 3 articles per participant.
• Maximum 1 article per week.
• Payment will be refused for low quality or uninteresting writing.
• Payment will be paid to Refercoins account 10 days after the Video is Live
• Article must not be deleted/removed at any time

Reward per article is based on quality:

Good: 0.8 mBTC (0.0008 BTC)
Very Good: 1.8 mBTC (0.0018 BTC)
Excellent: 4 mBTC (0.004 BTC).
Most visit and Participate All Campaign. So guys Thank you so much. See My Blog. HAVE A GOOD DAY.

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