in earning •  7 years ago  (edited)

Typing Jobs
Earn $4 to $6 Per Page (2000 words)
Online & Offline Typing Aissignments which you can execute on MS-Word or any equivalent software

                                    Proofreading Jobs
                                 Earn $5 to 10 Per Page

Editing MS-Word Files and Checking for Spelling and Grammatical Errors

                                    Paid Survey Jobs
                               Earn $5 to $50 Per Survey

Input your opinion about various product & services that you use & earn money online

                                 Graphic Designing Jobs
                                Earn $15-40 Per Assignment

Designing Coral Draw and Photoshop Graphics and Exporting them to various file format

                                 Earn $3 Per PPT Slide

Preparing PowerPoint Slides and Adding Proper Animation and Sound Effects

                                Earn $0.2 to 0.4 Per Cell

Preparation and modification of Pivot Tables in MS-Excel Format. Accuracy Demanded.

                                Voice Recognition Job
                           Earn $15 to 40 Per Assignment

Conversion of Medical Prescription Slips into Textual and Audio Format.

                              Online Advertisement
                             Earn $0.5 Per Ad Posted

Advertising new global web portals with easy tools provided by Hiresine. It’s Pay-Per-Post sort of program.

                           Language Translation Jobs
                        Earn $10 to $30 Per Page (1200 words)

Translation of various document formats from one languagdownload (2).png

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