Passing The December 21, 2012 Marker, Opening The Time Capsules, And The Earth Ascension

in earth •  7 years ago  (edited)

Over 200,000 years ago this planet was seeded with divine
DNA from the Pleadians. This divine DNA created the first spiritual/ intelligent human. The pleadians also created a way to record this divine evolution of human consciousness by establishing a crystalline esoterical grid and a gaia grid. You can not see the crystalline grid, but you can feel its energy when you walk on to battlefields and old castles.
The crystalline grid has recorded human consciousness for eons. The crystalline grid has certain convergance points all around the earth in remote places. They are usually mountains. My Shasta in California, My Uluru in Australia and many others. These points are called nulls and nodes and have a polarized energy.
The Nodes pull old negative fear and drama energy out of the crystalline grid and the nulls push new creative, loving energy into the crystalline grid.
There are many nulls and nodes on the crystalline, but there are 24 main points 12 nulls and 12 nodes. These 24 nodes and nulls have to be paired to release the pleadian time capsules.
The time capsules contain powerful loving energy that will assist in the acceleration of Gaia's ascension and release great technologies to humanity.
Humanity could not begin to release the time capsules until we reached the December 21, 2012 marker. We are now in an 18 year window to begin releasing the 12 time capsules. We have released 4 as of 2017.
In order to release the time capsules you have to sing pineal tones to create a catalytic energy in order to pair the nulls and the nodes. These tones were sung by the first civilization Lemurians every December 21 to say thank you to the pleadians and the compassion choir has been organized to begin singing the tones again.
I wanted to share this information because we are apart of a bigger picture, coming into a new energy, and higher consciousness that planet feels and knows, the pleadians know , and all of humanity is experiencing after eons of war.

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