EarthFirst! Direct Action Manual

in earthfirst •  7 years ago 

Probably very few of you are ready to put your lives on the line in defense of our environment, and even more of you are quick to denounce violence in defense of our planet.
Far be it for you to put down your crapachino grande long enough to get mad about the bisphenol s leaching from its styrofoam.
This book is not for you.
The post is, though.
Please keep reading!

Im sure you would agree that violence in defense of one's health is fully justified.
If i put poison in your food, you would feel justified in your use of force to stop me, yes?
But are you ready to accept that using violence against the officials that allowed the water problems to continue in Flint, Mi would have been justified self defense?
Those officials allowed poisoned water to continue to flow because it was cheaper than fixing the problem, both politically and economically.
Yea! Crapitalism!

Now, dont get me wrong, i am not saying that you should go into the cop shop and mow down some psychologically screened morons.
Im not saying you should use your marksmanship skills to make earth rape a more dangerous career choice.
Those idiots are poisoning the planet they live on, too.

I am saying that should you chain yourself to earth moving equipment used to poison our water it is justifiable self defense.
Were you to burn down structures used to poison our food, the lives you save may be of those so inured by the mind control that their only choice is to denounce you, or break their programming.

I am simply asking you to recognize that were those corporations not forcing their will upon us, our violent response to that forceful aggression would not be justified.
Some of us are prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice to insure that your water is drinkable.
Some of us are willing to pay with our lives to stop those that poison the water that you drink.
Some of us are willing to spend the time in jail that comes with driving without permission.
To spend calander years in prison to make available a prohibited plant.
We know that asking for permission means we are not free.
We know that our duty to defend freedom requires breaking unjust laws.

We understand that bullies that defy court orders are not going to care about your picket.
The political appointees that dance to the tunes called by those that pay the band dont care about your die in.
They know the msm will hide what needs hidden.
They know that in a couple hours the news will have moved on to whatever is next.
Your story will never lead, it doesnt bleed.
25 crackpots with funny ideas doesnt have the impact that escaped cows running down the freeway brings to the ratings.

Just as Alex Berkman's attentat was justified by Frick's orders to shoot unarmed women and children in Homestead, Pa., so too are the actions of anarchists you will likely never hear of outside short blurbs designed to conjure negativity against them in your own mind.
serveimage (11).jpeg
Alex Solzhenitsyn

It has been the custom of the EarthFirst! movement that no lives should be harmed in the defense of the earth.
That random violent attacks on ceo's, and the politicians they own, shows a lack of class.
We must avoid becoming what we struggle against.
Leave the killings to the corporations.

However, property used to force us into compliance with the will of earth destroying corporations is fair game.
To that end, a manual on monkey wrenching has been prepared by earth defenders in the struggle long enough to learn a few lessons and old enough to want to pass them on to the next generation.

This manual is provided to you to pass along the aggregated wisdom of those that struggled for freedom from oppresive culture before you.
Use it in good health.
Use it knowing that it is you that has to decide how long you are going to allow the bullies to rule the skool yard of life.

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Earth first! We'll conquer the rest of the planets later... I once saw a bumper sticker that said that LOL.
