FLAT EARTH IS THE TRUTH, the Spinning Globe Earth is a theory!!!

in earthisflat •  8 years ago  (edited)

About 2 years ago, I was introduced to the flat earth theory. I thought it was impossible, but kept looking anyway. For a full year it became routine; to sit down with my coffee and research the flat earth theory. Well, that's what I used to call it; "theory". The more I looked into the globe model, the more I call the globe the theory!

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Potentially the greatest deception in our history, achieved with models of globes in every classroom! The flat earth is the truth. I want average people to understand, but even people that claim to be truth seekers are having a really rough time with it.

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(know this is really really good news;)

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Good to see ODD TV here. I have been enjoying your videos for the better half of a year now. Udually the ones i show my friends, non believers. Good luck, glad i can follow you here also now

YES!! BLess you!

I know nothing about this theory, but obviously my first thought is:
What happens when you reach the edge?

I recall that being my first thought too. Before I started researching for myself.

If you look at the maps in this post, the answer to your question becomes clear. In fact, what becomes clear is that your question cannot be answered. Unless of course you have been able to personally climb the giant ice wall and trek across hundreds of miles of ice to find your answer.

In the flat earth map the South Pole is a massive area of ridiculously harsh conditions surrounding us. And we the common folk cannot get there without specialised equipment, funding and government permission.

The last major exploration of the South pole was conducted by Admiral Richard Byrd's (Operation Highjump (1946–1947) after which he gave this interview:

He says clearly that there will be more and more government funded expeditions into this region, because it is 'by far the most valuable place in the world', and an 'untouched reservoir of natural recourses'. He mentions specifically coal, oil and other minerals 'enough to supply the whole world'.

Curious then that shortly after this last mission, the Antarctic Treaty was signed by numerous nations to guarantee that it remained undeveloped as a 'scientific preserve, establishing freedom for scientific investigation.' We are talking about a continent here. An area larger than the USA declared 'off limits'. Bit odd, no?

This subject is a great exercise in pushing our minds to question that which is assumed as obvious.

Having researched it extensively I can assure you there is something amiss with the story we have been sold all our lives.

Watch The Truman Show again. A whole world contained within a dome in which Truman is kept away from the 'edge' using harsh conditions & and phycological conditioning.

I hope this will inspire you to do your own research.

It's just too bad that the narrator in the main post's video has to spend the 2nd half of it just bashing some dude I've never heard of. Who cares what that guy thinks...? It takes away from any credibility the video might have had.

Also, if the sun is circling around the wall of ice, why isn't the wall melting and flooding the rest of the earth?

I have trouble with this theory, but I'll admit that the only reason I think the earth is round is because I've been taught it is, and because whenever I flew to "the other side of the world" I never flew upside down.. ;)

But this raises a few questions for me:

  1. What does it matter what shape the earth is? Why is it so important that we would be fed such an elaborate lie? What would be the purpose of making us believe the earth is a different shape than it really is?

  2. I'm assuming that all the land masses would be on one side then. What's on the other side?

  3. What does that mean for all the other planets - would they be discs, too?

If you knew you had been lied to all your life about this, would you ever trust your government again?

But you are right of course, it doesn't matter what is the shape of our playground. Only what we believe about it.

That being said, the more people who believe we have been placed here by a force much greater than ourselves, as opposed to being the product of pure chance, the more this leads to further questioning. And these are questions those who seek to control us would rather we did not ask.

But in all other cases it's clear to me why we are being lied to (to profit, to create fear, etc.) In this case however - whether the earth is round or flat I fail to see the purpose of the lying. Does it make any of the rich richer, if they tell us the earth is round instead of flat? Does it make us any more fearful and compliant? How? Why? Those are my wonderings... :)

Anyone who's flown at 30,000 feet can tell you the earth is round! Nuff said : )

Why is there no curvature from weather balloon cameras, at far greater heights than 30,000ft? Do you have any actual evidence of your "Nuff said" claim......?

121,000 feet bro

Nuff said.

Alterable digital images in this day and age are no basis for any nuff saids. You'll need to provide some other form of evidence. Nuff said.

If the Earth were flat, you'd have NO uplift in the crust and thus NO mountains! Since we have mountains, the Earth is Round! Nuff said brain dead fool!

Ads to the fact that the last 3 years I was in the Navy, I was assigned to the satellite division of the National Security Agency. Believe me, the Earth is NOT flat!

Now get back on your Meds before you post again!