Working Title-- Fruit You!
Now imagine..
that a for benefit corporation
becomes a for consciousness organism.
The worm is out of the hole!
I think I just took a bite out of Newton's apple.
In a clockwork orange spiral dynamic
A yellow Dr. Banana submarine
Rescues the Green meme
And Pi-rates set sail on the Teal oceans of Novelty.
The tree of gnowledge is filled not with good and evil just
the seeds of what we reap beyond and including duality.
An imaginal mirror cell awakens into
Weapons of mass co-creation
So sow and weave the string theory
Into the blackhole of Spiritual Philanthropy
Welcome to a Holographic Economy
It is an event beyond the transhumanistic horizons
Singularities are trix for kids...
occupy the rabbit hole
while silicon valley midnight vultures Rome,
This is an infinite world, game.
And tag (people) who see the gravity