Earth Nation Bot - Calling Out For Collaborators Who Want To Delegate SP For The Future of Steemit! Lets Make Steem EASY and REWARDING for New Users!

in earthnation •  7 years ago  (edited)

We believe this platform will flourish as one of the top social media platforms much more effectivley when this platform becomes more rewarding and easier to use for new users. The @earthnation-bot is designed to spread awareness of the Best Steem Tutorials(through commenting) while also rewarding new players with a significant up-vote once a week. All of the earnings this bot makes goes right back into the bots SP, so we will be able to support more and more minnows over time.

We have sent a message to the top 1000 vested Steem holders to see if any of the Invested Leaders of Steem care about minnows and the growth/evolution of this platform in the same way we do.

We are asking for help from a few of the vested Steem-Holders to kick-start this bot with more Steem Power for a few months. During the next months this bot will build up a significant amount of SP from curation, post rewards, and from selling 100% of the profits from this service for Steem Power. and then will be able to serve Steem Minnows independently without further delegation.

Our Goal with this project is to provide minnows with a 1$ upvote for 0.2 SBD once a week; until they have over a 2000$ account value. At this time we are offering 0.20$ upvotes for 0.04 SBD.

Hopefully, amongst all of the leaders of Steem we will find at least a few willing to temporarily sponsor this service in a big way. Time will tell!

Click one of the following links to delegate Steem to @earthnation-bot

100 SP - 300 SP - 500 SP - 1000 SP - 3000 SP

Thank you!

Image by LilyAs

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I think that directly reaching out to the top 1000 whales was a mistake, but an understandable one. Eager to get strong backing and make a positive impact, they overlooked the immediate negative perception people would have about being 'spammed' by this upstart program.

But can we please look past the way that @earthnation-bot tried to gain backing, to what they are trying to accomplish?

This is an upvote support program for minnows, carefully structured to avoid long-term abuse and provide lasting benefit to the Steem ecosystem. Isn't that worth supporting, even for a few weeks, and then reviewing their upvote patterns over that time period to see whether they deserve continued support?

I'm super grateful for the Earth Nation mission! The Steemit platform is providing a space for all to earn while sharing conscious media. Yay! For helping the minnows learn how to navigate through all this newness!!! Steemit is an amazing platform and Earth Nation is a welcoming presence. If I had the steem I'd invest in the bot, but, for now I'm still a minnow. Go! EN bot!!!

We have delegated 1000 SP to this project.

Its been wonderful to watch the Earthnation-bot grow to 100SP of its own in just a few weeks. Nice to see an ever-growing number of minnows with great content benefiting from this service. We have been amazed at the depth and qualify of writings from many of the minnows using this bot.

Sincerely, resteem. Can I translate this article for russians?

Permission granted. Link us to it and well share an upvote.

That's nice of you to do that. Thank you. :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@earthnation. So grateful for what is being offered here. Another super cool idea I will support from this epic crew. Well played. 5X and revenue recycled into the bot for sustainability. Yes please. Keep the solutions coming little bot.

I'd like to delegate 100sp to this project.

Delegated 100SP - lets help those minnows!

The @earthnation-bot is the real deal. If we can support minnows with easy access to understandable information regarding Steem while simultaneously ensuring new minnows are rewarded for at least one post a week then Steem will flourish. The New User Retention rate will skyrocket and minnows will be more excited to tell their friends about how well they are doing.

I've seen a lot of minnows quit after only gets pennies on their posts for more then a week. I also see a ton of general confusion regarding how to actually use Steem in a effective way. Our super simple tutorial series combined with @jerrybanfields ever-updating compendium of guides will give minnows the information they need to ROCK Steemit.

I'll put my money where my mouth is. I'll fund this bot with 100SP for a time.

I am a minnow and came to Steemit on my own accord many months ago and found it a grind. In many ways I just gave up. Life turned around when I found @earthnation and working with them on Steemit has been a game changer. A ton of effort, energy, and time has gone into building a system that can help not only our own family but others new to this.

Minnows need a boost. If no one is going to see their posts then might as well get paid for it either way. Earth Nation currently provides bots that go above and beyond what other bots do. Going the extra mile to help minnows while upholding standards for content to ensure Steemit is a better place.

I fully support this and if I was a whale I would ensure part of my wealth would go to supporting projects and the longevity of Planet Steemit. Without new users, a platform is nothing. It becomes a bubble. Where's the quality content then when it becomes exclusive?

As a little minnow on steemit, I appreciate all that @earthnation has helped me with. I have found only support, integrity and solutions from everyone in the community. Sharing positivity and global solutions through social media and being able to create a sustainable abundant income for my family is my goal. I want this for everyone who creates beauty in this world, lets all share the love!💜🐝☺🌞♬🌌

I must say this is a welcome idea from @earthnation-bot.. This alone would encourage new users of steemit not to relent but put more commitment in order to grow the community.
I personally resteem this post for the growth of steemit.
I follow and support you now @earthnation-bot for the progress of steemit

As a community @earthnation channel for our minnow Guild members, I support this.

One of the common things I find assisting new members are retention and consistency. If they could see reasonable monetary gains starting out as well as see their posts not buried because of ridiculous boosts and upvotes then it would encourage them start posting/mirroring and monetise content that would not otherwise elsewhere.

For Steem and Steem Dollars to have real long-term value I echo what's already been proposed. Look around! Categories need diversity. Topics (regardless of whales, boosts and monster upvotes) need to be shuffled around so the cool gems get noticed. Algorithms need applying here. Something to Twitters app could do wonders to spread things around.

Without any of this, only the whales benefit and Steemit loses quality content in the mix by potential newbies who lose interest. Content that could attract even more site adoption. Something has to give in order to allow newbies to ditch other websites to come here as their main.

I have found your service very valuable and useful. thank you and keep helping us to grow

Thanks Dave. Your support is appreciated.

This seems like a really awesome project as a minnow myself or lower I'm more like a egg maybe a steem caviar lol but as a newbie steem was a lot different from the social media I was use to and took a while to learn how to navigate it and well I still don't have my picture up yet after a month and a half on here I did read a post that explained how to and it's rather complicated compared to what I'm use to anyways but steemit was very intriguing to me and I stuck with it and have many followers and I follow many now and place a lot of post and have made a few dollars with steemit I'd like to see something that would help out new people and time and sticking with it worked for me but I still need to learn a lot to really get where I wanna be on steem it would be nice if we could add friends on here so once my people joined they could be linked with me somehow in a different way than Facebook but just so if there were things u wanted only for you friends and u then they had the access a few people I got to sign up said they didn't really understand how it worked and I get it I think for super mass adoption a few things are gonna have to be more user friendly especially for the ones who aren't gonna wanna spend the time to check it all out and take time to learn when they can just stick with their Facebook or Instagram or whatever they use and know but maybe a new user set up and a more skilled level user set up might work idk just thinking out loud Wondering what might help new people and some might say it's perfect the way it is and I would agree I'm just thinking about how to get new people to use it and stick with it better and not give up and go back to their old sites cause steemit really is a lot better once you figure it out and there's just a lot more to discover here that's layed out in ways you never seem to find on FB and Twitter plus you can earn some extra bread while doing it instead of the owners being the only ones making out for what we do and post just my two cents sucks about the down votes sounds like a awesome legit way to help minnows I love it minnows pull together and let's help make up for those hits

Thanks for speaking up on this matter @cryptoligist.

We are considering developing another version of that simplifies certain things like payout amounts, while also coming equipped with easy access to guides regarding whatever users want to know.

It's been a little difficult. While some power-players like @jerrybanfield, @aggroed, @spectrumecons @spectrumcons and @transisto are kind and supportive, many of the other whales on Steem are very aggressive and seem to not want anything to change or evolve on this platform.

Which leaves us wondering how much time and energy we should give to a network with leaders who seemingly do not want to collaborate in a good way.

We are still here. We will keep offering to work with Steem Leaders. Hopefully sometime soon a few of them will want to collaborate with us too!

Thanks for all you guys do only wish their was more like you the ones trying to hold you back are only holding steemit as a whole back if your just here helping the little guy I can't see how that bothers the whales on here be nice if they'd quit their shite so we could all get a chance to eat from the same bowl

Its a mindshift that is evolving these old paradigm greedy ways will become extinct as morphic resonance is taking place right now✨

Very nice proposal for the minnow , you are really a nice person who thinks about the others.....i appreciate you work.

Hello, EarthNation!I often write about the development of awareness, psychology and the path of self-development. How do I become a part of your guild? Can I call your bot?

No friendship with the OK)


This post is resteemed and Upvoted by @superbot

Follow me first and then Transfer 0.100 Steem/Steem Dollar and the URL in the
memo that you want resteemed and upvoted + Get Followed by @superbot & 1 Partner Account .

So don't waste any time ! Get More Followers and gain more Visibility With Superbot
900+ Followers !

If you would like to support this bot , Please don't forget to upvote this post !
Stay Super !


  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

You joined steemit three months ago. How were you able to watch them six months or so on this platform? According to the blockchain you received several payments from @earthnation-bot in the past.

Now your announcement of a generous donation rather looks like a bought advertisement.

Sorry, but your credibility = zero.
Also the only vote @earthnation-bot has allocated during the past 24 hours is a 100% self-vote on their own post. Great start to promote minnows support :-P Their days are count.

You joined steemit three months ago. How were you able to watch them six months or so on this platform?

He’s apparently part of their communal. These people pretend to be supporters of Earth Nation when they’re really just part of the “team.” Their comments here are just phony hype for a post that was rewritten after I downvoted it...which was downvoted because of their spammy/scammy behavior in the first place.

You perfectly summed it up!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

The Earth Nation is way more than just on Steemit and I am a supporter of the Earth Nation goals. I would suggest you have a look at what they are doing.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

@surfermarly We upvote in rounds every 2 days.

The #EarthNation is way more then just a Steemit Group. Steem is maybe 1% of what we do. @manfoundstanding is a leader in one of EN's ecovillage/ecocity developments in Missouri, USA.

If you hadn't anything to hide, why would you downvote my comment with two accounts then? :-) It's your attitude that just doesn't fit with your words.

This has been the case since they first arrived. Hence my downvoting.

It's funny to see how quickly they decided to use their "minnow supporting" vote bot to downvote people and upvote themselves. I guess that's why people should give up their stake to this project? Off to a really bad start, in my opinion.

We are downvoting you because you are being pointless, emotional, and rude on our post.

Why are you still bothering us?

So this is B's their just here to make money is that what your saying?

Hi @surfermarly. The payment to @manfoundstanding was from us. Not @earthnation-bot. (Look more carefully at that screenshot).

You will find, if you look, that the Earthnation bot has never transferred any Steem or Steem dollars to anyone except when issuing a refund. All of Earthnation-bot's SBDs are converted regularly into Steem through the market and used to power up.

Currently, all of the steem power invested into @earthnation-bot comes from @earthnation. If @earthnation-bot wants to flag pointless and rude posts that's fine by us.

You will also find if you look at @earthnation-bots posting history that all of the bots upvotes are publicly posted in regular reports.

These reports will continue, clearly and transparently showing what the @earthnation-bot is upvoting.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I understand what is happening now. Sorry for my confusion with being a newbie.

And what did my two blog posts that you downvoted have to do with any of this? If you’re going to whine about downvotes on posts that are “not at all offensive,” then perhaps you shouldn’t do the same thing?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

You did.


Do you care to revise your "I did not downvote anyone" statement?

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

So it was an accident? Or you didn’t know what a downvote was called? Will you be removing your downvotes?

Umm, are you talking to a bot?

Are you actually complaining? You just downvoted​ my comment, because I was spammed by your ​bot?​ Talking about double standards​.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

great work

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Hi there. I paid 0.2SBD for your service, but didn't receive any vote. Please take a look. Want to use your service more in the future

Did you get your vote?

No. No vote

Your post wasn't in english. Read my guidelines.

Please tell me anyone how to delegate steem power?????

Hey there, love your service. Before your sleepy-time, I paid 0.05 SBD for a vote that I didn't receive on this article:

You are in the Que. Power is restoring. Will vote in 1-2 days.

Great, thanks. Just wanted to check because I didn't want to miss the deadline on it. Thanks again!

An honor to be of service! We love your posts @themanwithnoname.

Hey, don't want to be a bother, but still haven't seen that upvote on the post and it now will pay out in 5 hours. Can you help me out? Thanks!

Hello again. Sorry about the trouble you're having with the people downvoting. I know you're busy, but my article didn't get voted on. Could I get a refund? Or could I get the vote on this article instead?


This post was upvoted and resteemed by @resteemr!
Thank you for using @resteemr.

@resteemr is a low price resteem service.
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Hmm this didnt work for me for @earthnation nor @earthnation-bot

What post did we miss with @earthnation-bot? Did you make sure your post followed the guidelines of the bot?

@earthnation is for guild members only.

How do you become a guild member? I just read on another post to send sbd :S On the @earthnation-bot I believe I may have forgotten to include a post link. I'm struggling to understand these things/how it works/where to look for information.

in case i did forget a link which it seems i did lets just use this one?


Buenas noches como te transfiero?

Great idea. I love how the big whales have big hearts :)

This post was upvoted by the @earthnation Steemit Guild Community.

Earth Nation supports new paradigm, solutionary and conscious based content. If you're an active player on Planet Steemit whether you're a minnow, whale or dolphin and want to join @earthnation 's vision, please consider joining our community Guild. Learn more:

Not interested in joining our Guild? We have a dedicated voting bot that can support you. @earthnation-bot

Hi there. I paid 0.2SBD for your service, but didn't receive any vote. Please take a look. Want to use your service more in the future. Please check. See also my wallet @futuredigicoin

Send me english posts @futuredigicoin and ill upvote them.

kindly check i sent you sbd for upvote. Thanks

Don't ever spam me again!

It's their core business :-)

Resteemed by @resteembot! Good Luck!
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