in earthnation •  7 years ago 

We have decided to update EN bot from a 5X upvote to a 4X upvote. This will give the EN-bot a much faster growth rate so more minnows can be served.

Our automation systems are well dialed. All posts should be automatically upvoted instantaneously or refunded unless EN bot is sleeping. Please check EN-bot Status before usage to ensure EN-Bot is awake~.

We have changed the time between votes from 3 days to 7 days, so more minnows can benefit from upvotes.

We have also increased the posting Up-vote amount from 0.05 to 0.08.

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Subscribe! I will be glad to mutual subscription!

Hi, good evening ppl of EN, where can I check the status of EN-bot to see if it's awake? is it enough to check if it has done any upvopte recently or should I check at bottracker or something?
Thanks :D

At On the bottom lefthand corner of the profile description, there will either be a send amount or it will say sleeping.

Awsome, tnx for the ultra fast answer, but I'm afraid I have one more question, as I was reading the rules i read that only english post might use this service, that mean that my spanish post (wich are 95% of my material) will be infracting this rule if I try to use your services, or as long as it's original content I'm fine? it's because i'm mostly a poet, and hard finde the expresion in english for me T_T

English only.

10-4 EN :)

I've stopped using this service because I am never sure how much i need to send - the profile page doesn't include this information, and the guidelines post you've linked seems to be out dated now.

That information has always been on the main profile page of earthnation-bot.

I guess whenever I look at it, it seems to be sleeping..