I held the dream like a chunk of ice in my hand
It was cold and hurt me, you wouldn't understand
A crystal so clear and perfect as my life it shone
In pain melting faster the tighter I held it, I groaned
Water like blood, drop by drop, slipped away as tears
Through fingers that no longer controlled my fears
Losing it fully, insane, the dream replaced by nightmares
As ice crystal shard vanished and hope disappeared
Lifting my head from wet hands surrounded in mud
Enraged now like fire, fighting the oncoming flood
Emotions kept pounding, waves on bullheaded shore
Then with thunder the rain came as if from my core
My empty fists opened became wingtips east and west
Southward now flying to sunshine's larger nest
Little Hummingbird holds the universe in her eye as she darts
The dream a dew drop on a petal of my rose blossom heart
~ Four Eagles
Photo not my property