Thoughts on Love

in earthnation •  7 years ago 

Indigo Crossroads
Image by: Four Eagles

Love is a mystery that thinking only imagines.
Some of my biggest shifts in consciousness have been when my definition of Love has changed.
Left undefined or definable works well but leans itself toward the abstract or chaotic.
There are patterns here in nature that move towards balance.
Within these patterns are lessons and within the lessons we find virtues.
By practicing virtue we find humanity by in large does not.
Some call the virtues the laws of Love.
Many can name the "seven deadly sins" but how many can name the seven virtues that coincide?

greed - charity
wrath - compassion
gluttony - temperance
dishonesty - integrity
sloth - diligence
envy - gratitude
pride - humility

Source of image unknown.

Historical and modern definitions,
views and associations

"Most of the capital sins, with the sole exception of sloth, are defined by Dante Alighieri as perverse or corrupt versions of love for something or another: lust, gluttony, and greed are all excessive or disordered love of good things; sloth is a deficiency of love; wrath, envy, and pride are perverted love directed toward other's harm.[21] In the seven capital sins are seven ways of eternal death.[5] The capital sins from lust to envy are generally associated with pride, which has been labeled as the father of all sins, etc."

Love is eternal or it is not Love.
There is no end to Love.
There is no right and wrong Love.
Love is not desire.
Love cannot be bought or sold.
We all have an endless supply of Love.
Love is the most valuable thing in the universe.

What would Love do?


I don't feel that Love has an opposite.
Fear and hate are distortions of Love.
In these what was loved first? before the fear and hate.
If there is Love then there is only one.
Paths of the ascended are paths to Love.
Our relationship to Love is an art-piece.
What are we leaving in our wake?

What would Love do?

Is Love not bigger than gods or do they have a monopoly?
Let it flow through you then expect miracles.

We are eco-village tots come grow together!
Where dreams happen.

~ Four Eagles


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Wish Granted!
Beautiful post.

Love, Lila-Wish-Genie

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