I am here for the animals and the Trees.

in earthnation •  7 years ago 

When I chose to be born again on Earth I chose to come for the Trees and the Animals.

kida and horses.jpg
This is Kida the wolf and my 4 horses- Light, Frankie, Soul and Particia

The animals have a voice and provide humans their lessons of gentleness, kindness, respect, sweetness.
Animals help us to see the beauty in life.
We have had many centuries of co-creation with the animals...until the day that we were told to sacrifice our animals for some tax to be paid...and that is when everything changed.

It was our journeys where we would after -start eating them, caging them and exploiting them...
animals fear us as a species...naturally...the butterfly thinks you eat butterflies,
she does not know you just eat chicken or beef or sheep...
she just knows and feels that you eat animals.
Therefore they mostly close themselves off from humans.

It is sad as these days the cruelty against animals have increased grossly.
Where people blatantly kill, hunt, maim and disrespect animals.
The animal collective speaks to me often and they don't even treat me nice,
shouting at me,
asking me, begging me for the killings to stop...
I pray for them daily but it's for those mainly in factory farms and dairy farms...and zoos...and aquariums.
I taught my daughter that Kida is her sister. Kida was an awesome babysitter.

I feel that because humans kill animals so unconsciously that it has a karmic effect on those humans to be treated the same way in their own lives.
I feel that you are what you eat and humans who consume Cows, Sheep and Chicken,
act like cows, sheep, and chicken.
The universal law of:"do unto others that which you want to be done to you" is a very valuable law if you can understand it.
It applies to all of life -including animals and plants.
See I eat plants from my garden, I don't harvest the whole plant when I pick its leaves or fruit or nuts.
So I don't kill to eat. Nothing has to die for me to live.
So if you are drinking milk, meant for the baby, or eat eggs that were meant to be babies...or you eat bacon, or a lamb chop - which was just a baby when it was killed- because they taste softer!
Phew...we as humans have to seriously and consciously analyze how do we feed ourselves and if we are killing others to feed ourselves- I think then we are called parasites.
How will women feel if our babies are taken away from us at birth - so that some alien specie may have milk for their coffee...or how will women feel if our eggs are removed from us - for a luxury breakfast?
How will we feel to be artificially inseminated(raped) with instruments with someone's seed - to born a child-
whom gets taken from you the moment its born?
I highly recommend reading the writings of Barbara Marciniak as well as
Robert Shapiro's book called: Animals souls speak:

Here is the audiobook of Barbara Marciniak:

I am sure many of you don't want to hear all of this, but the biggest challenge on Earth can be resolved if we all go vegetarian...or vegan. Humans will have more respect for themselves as well as for others as a result.
But I know-geez...it's quite a farfetched idea.
Also look for the books about Anastasia- the Ringing Ceder series...
After you read these above-mentioned books you will actually consciously choose not to eat any animal.
Happy reading and being vegan is actually a journey for all souls-that they will embark on when they are ready.
This journey leads to the higher dimensions of being!
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Beautiful pics and words, I do think there used to be harmony on the earth when some tribes hunted wild animals with respect and ritual, but however there are too few wild animals and not enough respect, and so yes you are right it probably has to go towards the whole planet being vegan. I have to admit i feel the need for a bit of meat, im breastfeeding and all the alternative vegan options in the world dont help me like a bit of organic chicken bone broth, but im not 100% ok to do this, im a bit confused, my body says yes but my heart says no... hmmm. Lovely to meet you :-), just did 2 month walk with horses (metal free) in mountains and next week my friend give me a half wolf puppy! so as i saw your blog I thought wow! some similar things in our lives :-) (photos of horse trek in my blog)

When I was 6 I learned that the animals I saw outside, were the same thing I was eating. It was at Thanksgiving dinner and my grandfather was talking about how the turkeys were running around before they chopped their heads off. And I was like "I'm done"... ironically I was born on "Good Friday". I've also been lactose intolerant since day 1. It's like my body/soul just knew. So I've been vegetarian for 14 years and I've decided to go vegan this year :)

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