March 6th 2018 update; Paupa New Guinea is still shaking, hit with more quakes.
I Posted 2 days ago about the Mag 6 quakes, you can see it is ongoing.
a BBC wildlife documentary, discovered more than 40 previously undescribed species, including 16 frogs, at least 3 fish, several insects and spiders, a bat, and a giant rat, measuring 82 cm in length and weighing approximately 1.5 kg.
Mount Bosavi is a mountain in the Southern Highlands province, Papua New Guinea. It is the collapsed cone of an extinct volcano on the Great Papuan Plateau, part of the Kikori River basin. The crater is approximately 4 km wide and 1 km deep; it is home to a number of endemic species.
Climate of Mount Bosavi
Update; heres another one