On February 25, 1695, the day of Santa Costanza, an earthquake of magnitude Mw 6.4 occurred, according to the Parametric Catalog of the Italian Earthquakes (CPTI15). The strongest seismic event located in Veneto, and the last destructive earthquake that has been reported in the territory of the Province of Treviso, 324 years ago.
Memorie del terremoto nei graffiti della Basilica di San Zeno a Verona http://lapicidata.wordpress.com/2014/10/02/verona-vr-basilica-di-san-zeno-maggiore/
Macroseismic Intensity Distribution from Italian Macroseismic Database (DBMI15) for this historical event. The Red Star is the epicentre computed from the macroseismic intensity distribution. The Maximum Macroseismic Intensity is Imax=10 this is a Very Destructive Event.
Picture of Alano di Piave today, for 1695 historical earthquake the Macrosismic Intensity is I=10 (DBMI15) for this locality.