Indigenous Micro Organisims aka IMO

in earthtribe •  5 years ago 

Collecting Native Microbes

I am attempting to collect benefical bacteria and fungus before I leave el casa del @dynamicrypto. This is a 4-5 step process and this is the first step. This post will detail the process I am doing to make the first step happen, which is called IMO 1.

Things you will need for IMO 1:

  • A Wood box


my buddy Joe who built this box!

  • Be mindful of pressure treated wood or any wood that has been contaminated with chemicals or if you over think it like me, which I don't recommend necessarily, research further into types of wood and the anti-microbial properties of certian woods like cedar.
  • Be sure to have adequate ventilation when building said box.
  • It is important to have the box constructed as to allow for portability and better maneuverability in sensitive environments.
  • A rodent cage or chicken wire is important for the box to have as a cover for protection from animals as they will love the rice in the box. Of course a stapler strong enough to secure to box.
  • White Rice

20190328_211529_crop_777x745.jpgSave the rice wash and make Lactic Acid Bacteria(LAB) with it! Yes I did not buy organic but I trust the source


Cooking the rice

  • Simply just wash the rice really good and barely cover with water in rice cooker to achieve an al dente effect. Im finding at my altitude of around 2000ft I have to stop the rice cooker before it finished. You really want the rice al dente.

  • Once finished I let cool off to room temperature.

Preparing the box

  • I fill my box up 1/2 to 2/3 full with the cooked rice. I try and not over thinking it anymore but still staying mindful of technique.

  • I will then cover with a paper towel. Note, coffee filters are not ideal typically in most of natural farming and paper towels or really clean potus clothing is prefered.

  • Taking the metal cage I will then 'sandwich' the cage on top of the paper towels and staple shut.

Prepping the area

  • I'm Taking short cuts here. There are key protocols I am skipping due to not having key ferments like fermented plant juice. It's ok though I just treated the ground area, in which I found to have ample white long and visible white fungus and in an area that will recieve 70% shade and 30% sun in order to mimic the forest floor.

  • I gathered ample wood chips so as to insulate the wood box and help the microbes inoculate the box with maintain moisture levels.

  • I treated the entire backyard area with a very light molasses water mix via our battery backpack sprayer to help feed the microbes out here.

  • I placed the box in that area. I made some videos that I will post tomorrow when there is ample sunlight to better show how I placed it.

Please take time to follow this process more accurately by following Chris Trump on YouTube and following his videos. It's who I learn from and he is the North American master Korean Natural Farmer.


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