Due Frequently Drinking Ice Water after Eating

in eat •  7 years ago 


Akibat Sering Minum Air Es setelah Makan

Inspiradata07-29 | 09:26

Benarkah minum air es setelah makan dapat menyebabkan perut buncit?

Banyak orang memiliki kebiasaan minum air es atau minuman dingin lainnya setelah makan. Memang rasanya nikmat dan menyegarkan. Namun, kebiasaan ini jika sering dilakukan akan menyebabkan bentuk tubuh Anda berubah. Perut Anda akan semakin buncit. Mengapa hal ini bisa terjadi?

Minum minuman dingin setelah makan dapat menyebabkan perut membuncit akibat timbunan lemak akibat makanan.

Hal ini karena minyak dan lemak yang baru dimakan akan menggumpal akibat air yang dingin. Gumpalan akan menyebabkan proses pencernaan terhambat dan akan lebih cepat diserap oleh usus.

Karena itu, biasakan minum air pada suhu normal atau air hangat setelah makan.

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Due Frequently Drinking Ice Water after Eating

Inspiradata07-29 | 09:26

Really drinking ice water after eating can cause a distended stomach?

Many people have a habit of drinking ice water or other cold drinks after a meal. It feels good and refreshing. However, this habit if often done will cause your body shape to change. Your stomach will be more distended. Why does this happen?

Drinking cold drinks after a meal can cause a bulging stomach due to fat deposits from food.

This is because the newly eaten oil and fat will coagulate due to cold water. Clots will cause the digestive process to be inhibited and will be absorbed more quickly by the intestine.

Therefore, get used to drink water at normal temperature or warm water after meals.

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