Weekly Sales Update 3/19 - 3/25

in eba •  7 years ago  (edited)

Items in store: 75
Listed this week: 19
Sales: $268
$ Per Day: $38
$ Per Sale: $16
Items sold: 17
COGS: $17
Hours Sourcing: 3
Hours Listing: 6
Hours Shipping: 2

Much better than the previous week, and I sold a lot of items, but nothing really worth a ton of money. Still clearing out my death pile and am actually getting really close to the bottom of it! Still not finding much when I'm out sourcing. I think my theory about people waiting for garage sales to start is definitely true.

I did find one place to source this week that was rather odd: The recycle bin. I noticed several books in there this week and pulled a few out to scan. I walked away with 3, 1 of which is already sold!

One thing I did last week that was pretty interesting is go through my boxes of video games that I'd deemed had no value. Of course, I hadn't updated the value on some of them in a few years and definitely found some stuff worth listing. Another version of mid-winter gold, even if it's spring now! :-)

Lots of "smalls" sold this week, but at least most of them are SUPER easy to ship!

I picked up the Magnavox remote at Savers for $2
I picked up the Brave Merida Pez at Savers as a part of a bundle, so it probably cost me around $.50.
Speak and Read was also found at Savers for $4
The Nintendo organizer was a part of a HUGE NES bundle a couple of years ago and has been sitting in my death pile. Based on everything I got in that bundle, this cost about $.50
Q*Bert was a part of an amazing NES/Atari deal from 2 summers ago where I got a bunch of in-box games
The Star Wars Galactic Hero R5-D4 was at Savers in a nice little Star Wars bundle, so cost about $.50.
The Military bag was also from Savers and was $6
Zelda was a part of another NES bundle from a couple of summers ago. Cost about $2.
The Xbox was from last summer and cost about $10
The LEGO Lord of the Rings games were $1 each
The Logitech dongle was a gift a couple of years ago.
The Pentax Optio I purchased for $5 last summer (Yuck)
The Littlest Pet Shop playset was $3 at Savers
The Kinect bundle was pieced together from a bunch of bundles. I probably spent around $18 total on it.
The Skylanders case was from last summer and cost $1
Excitebike was from one of those NES bundles mentioned above and cost $1

So there you go. MANY more items listed this week and SOLD this week, but just not a ton of high value stuff. That should all chance (hopefully) in just a few weeks as people begin to have garage sales again!


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