Thank you America , you have been so kind. This event today has shown so much how amazing the internet really is. My story is that I understand quite a bit about the solar event that is happening across North America. The mathematics is very interesting and I will add some to this post over time. The energy is infinitely returned. One world.
NASA - was always Nice and Safe Attitude in the Rave Movement. There's a link on my instagram to old rave flyers. Music We should share musical playlists. Please comment on how the event was for you. We can heal the human spirit and heal the earth - we dont need to bust our guts and get to Mars - this is not total recall. The USA has done much to make the world a greener and safer place. Plant a garden for nature and she'll build a house.
Thanks to Sebuh for sharing mehe eclipse in the morning LA light - the view - that light - beautiful orange. Then thanks to Jason in New York watching on CNN - awesome whilst nuturing and stewarding good practice and high standarde I am now . Only look forward - all y previous employers and everyone who got me to wher . Donnie Trump , NooneUniversity. All my new friends on Facebook.
Attitude of Gratitude.
Lets Build
Super dank.