The more of us there are, the less planet there is per person.
Addressing population size also has many social benefits. Educating girls and providing access to safe, affordable, and effective family planning are high leverage opportunities. In addition, empowering women is essential for sustainability. When women are respected as equal partners in the household, at work, and in the community, better social outcomes for their families, including health and educational achievements, and lower reproductive rates invariably ensue. Given resource constraints, countries with slowly shrinking populations may have a competitive advantage over countries with growing populations.
If the average family size is half-a-child smaller in the future, i.e. if every second family has on average one child less, there will be one billion fewer of us in the world than the 9.7 billion that the UN expects by 2050 – and four billion fewer by the end of the century. Given increasing longevity, the end of this century is within the expected lifetimes of children born today.
Reducing family size at this rate is equivalent to moving back Earth Overshoot Day by about 30 days, or one month, by 2050. Long-term benefits are even more striking. This continued reduction in family size would result in 50% more biocapacity per person in 2100. More biocapacity makes it easier to have thriving lives for all within the means of the planet.
Investing in smaller families through the empowerment of women is also consistent with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDG 5 Gender Equality calls for ending all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere. Targets include:
Undertake reforms to give women equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to ownership and control over land and other forms of property, financial services, inheritance and natural resources, in accordance with national laws.
Adopt and strengthen sound policies and enforceable legislation for the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls at all levels.
I don't believe in the three other solutions
I also do not believe in the wisdom of man
Some of us may see it coming and what could or needs to be done.
But I have learned that the large majority of men is too short sighted and too egotistic that they will want to accept the facts and consequences of their own behaviour and lifestyle.
That's why I believe there will have to happen huge catastrophies and hundreds of millions of deaths through natural disasters, before 'mankind' will start to show some remorse and start panicking and acting, forced by the unescapable circumstances.
The extraordinary tropical heat wave and drought here in Europe, with temperatures over 30 degrees above the polar circle and with a non-stop summer that has begun somewhere in april and has no intention to stop in the coming weeks, may be seen as a prelude of what is yet to come.
And as we can tell, it seems it will come very fast.