products of the sea and the land of the Sucre state. Its historical importance linked to ecotourism

in ecology •  7 years ago  (edited)

Cumana capital of the state Sucre is the first city of America founded by the Spaniards. this state is full of unusual riches that dazzled the conquerors when they stepped on these lands in 1942, within these treasures are their unique and incredible agricultural and marine fruits: cocoa, coffee, sweet potato, corn, coconut, mamey, shrimp, prawns, first reserve of pepitonas.25437294_10215407280194274_1490772845_n.jpg

From here are a writing of the main food items claiming the history of our region and promoting eco-tourism, start with the best cocoa in the world.
In the gulf of pariah , the best cocoa in the world is produced to produce the best chocolate in the world, and here is a picture of my father with trinitarian-type cocoa seeds.25437433_10215407281834315_710209571_n.jpg

This seed undergoes a process of four fundamental steps to be transformed into what we know as chocolate. the first step is to leave the seed drying in the sun to remove all the outer membrane, then the second step is to toast it in a furnace and then go to the third step which is to remove the shell and finally be pulverized next to the sugar to obtain a flavor more pleasant, already in this state is ready to make cocoa balls with which the best chocolate will be made.25463814_10215407272154073_234125255_n.jpg

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