Parable of the talents and the economic system

in economic-system •  7 years ago 

Today I just heard a profound sermon. The parable of the talents re-interpreted. In Matthew 25 : 14-30, we often interpret the talents as gifts or skills. Alternatively, can look at the story literally. A talent is about 6000 denarii and a denarius is a day's wage in the Roman empire. So a talent is a lot of money.
This is a very good commentary on the present corrupt economic system. The oppressive system now is not very different from the feudal system the wealthy and the peasants were living in then.

The master in the story represents the parasitic elite in power today. Of course he was delighted that the first 2 servants / minions multiplied the money entrusted to them and perpetuated the oppressive regime by any means possible. It's designed to help the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Matthew 25: 29
For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.

A very good example that comes to mind is the quantitative easing that bails out the bankers at the expense of the taxpayers in the last crisis.

The unprofitable servant is usually seen as the villian but he can be seen as the hero who decided not to participate in the corrupt status quo. He took the risk of revealing the master for who he truly is.

Matthew 25:24
Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed

He was brave enough to stand up to the evil master. He is the enlightened one who saw through the system who essentially said "enough is enough , something's got to change!" I am reminded of what Jesus did when he turned the tables and chased the money changers out of the temple.
What he said about his master was so accurate about the fiat currency that has been created by the elite. They print money out of thin air and hold on to power to oppress the weak and clueless sheeple amongst us.
But it doesn't have to be this way forever. There will come a time soon when the whole corrupt system collapses under its own weight.
In the meantime, we can be instrumental and hasten the day!
We can join in the servant's decision to reject the current fraudulent monetary system and echo "take back your worthless fiat !"
We can take back the power as we now witness the continuing loss of faith in the almighty dollar and the rise of alternative currencies like bitcoin and return to God's money in gold and silver bullion.

We can also stop the madness of chasing material things at the expense of the earth and the welfare of each other. As we head into the holiday season, let's stop the consumerism and commercialisation that only enriches the merchants further.

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