Harris vs Trump.

in economic •  6 months ago 


Kamala Harris is working hard to match Trump’s economically illiterate policy positions. Her price control plan isn’t quite at the level of Trump’s 10% tariff and mass deportations. But it’s getting there. She’s also adopted Trump’s dumb tax-free tip idea (which, in fairness, is less awful than any of the above).

And, yes, I know the ultimate problem here is that lots of ignorant voters like these ideas.

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I'll take a tariff over price controls but yeah, both pretty terrible ideas. Economic illiteracy is a requirement for government service.

If you called a tariff what it is, a tax on imported goods, it would probably have less supporters.

I don't think tax free tips is necessarily a bad idea but it is hardly a major policy issue. I don't know why they are stealing a Ron Paul idea from 2012 and pretending it is some major new revelation.