I decided to investigate a little about it, mainly to deepen and know the variables that may be affecting the low economic profitability that reflect the companies that make commercial air transport.

Fig. 2 Despite low economic profitability, market competition still prevails among airlines. Image of public domain, Author: Orna W, 2019
Now, reading some articles on the subject and crossing information, I found that the biggest problem that airlines face, is the wage inequality that prevails between developed and underdeveloped countries, and I mention underdeveloped, to call fundamentally the countries in South America and Africa that face problems of purchasing power, therefore it is intuitive, that the common denominator of low profitability that reflects the air transport companies, is the inability of users of these countries to pay regular airfares.
In the case of South America, and according to the appreciation of specialists of the air industry, in the region the profitability per ticket represents an estimated between 2 and 3 dollars, while in the United States and in most European countries, the profitability is referenced between 10 and 15 dollars per ticket.

Fig. 3 In South America the profitability per ticket represents an estimated between 2 and 3 dollars. Image of public domain, Author: Juno1412, 2020
Basically most of the strategic analyses, focused the problem to the low purchasing power at salary level, nevertheless, some specialists think that this problem can be solved, as long as more efficient and more economic commercial airplanes are designed, in this respect is to emphasize that companies like Airbus, at the present time are working in airplanes that will revolutionize the aerospace industry, under a design of combined wing, lighter, with equal capacity of load but 20% more efficient than a standard modern airplane.
The model of the aircraft currently being developed by Airbus has been codified as the "Flying-V", and in addition to increasing profitability, or being more efficient than current designs, this new aircraft also aims to reduce the environmental impact generated by the commercial aerospace industry.
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