Economic Freeganism

in economic •  5 years ago 

So what am I even talking about ? You may be asking. Well, Economic Freeganism is a combination of terms I once came up with while thinking about random stuff. It intrigued me enough to check if that was actually a thing and with the minimal research I have done, it seems like it isn't.

So now what do I mean by Economic Freeganism ? Well, I basically thought about freeganism, a movement in which some members seek out food for free that would otherwise go to waste and added a financial spin to it. And that spin is, "What if we made use of all the trash we produce" ? That meaning selling and using for such things as composting etc. Now you may wonder, "How in the world am I gonna sell my trash ?" And here comes the surprise. Aside from simply segregating trash and selling it to the recycling depot, did you know you can sell toilet paper rolls for about 20 cents a piece on ebay ? Or broken crayons for ~4.75 usd a pound ? And that's just the commonly known examples. Now wonder how much money could be made there.

So with that in mind, go check your trash bin, and your home for things that could end up making you money instead of ending on the landfill.

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