QE = Quantitative Easing = printing money = counterfeiting

in economics •  8 years ago 

QE = Quantitative Easing = printing money = counterfeiting

The fancy Wall Street folks and those in DC, came up with the term quantitative easing, (or QE as I will use going forward in this writing), because it sounds very professional…like you would need a degree in economics to understand it all. They say it’s confusing…no, it’s not. They say it’s necessary for the good of the people and the country…no, it’s not. They lie…it’s that simple and QE is quite simple as well.

I am sure there are things put in place to complicate it all…papers to sign…legislation to pass…rules to be made…but bottom line…QE is no different than anyone out there printing their own FRN (federal reserve notes AKA US dollar) and putting them into circulation. Oh, there is one difference…for you its illegal…and for them it’s not. After all, they wrote the rules to make it illegal for you and legal for them. What a deal!

One of the simple reasons counterfeiting is illegal is that it causes inflation…if you started putting counterfeit $100 bills out there daily…it probably wouldn’t affect prices all that much, but if you started handing them out to all your friends and family and everyone started spending them daily….prices would start to go up…because they can…simple supply and demand. Then, if your friends and family give more out to their friends and family it just starts a bigger jump in prices…because those selling see the demand and will increase prices, as their supply is dwindling and they realize they can charge more. Free market. Not really free though, for the rest of us, those who are not one of your friends or family members. You can keep printing and thus buy all the material things you need or desire, but not so much for the rest of us. Too expensive. That’s inflation. Inflation is really more of the dollar being worth less, as there are more dollars in market that were not created by labor, than prices going up…but to most of us, that is what we see…prices going up.

So, QE has been going on (they have not stopped) for 8+ years (started Nov, 2008). Oh, and another important factor is they are also quite creative (read LIE) about the rate of inflation…( see link that shows the accurate inflation rates if the government didn’t keep changing the formulas to calculate to benefit their own agenda. (http://www.shadowstats.com/alternate_data/inflation-charts)
In order to be fair to the people, numbers need to be reported as apples to apples, not apples to bananas. These changes make it apples to bananas…and I mean it’s all bananas!!! :)

So, bottom line…if QE is still going on…what will happen to all of us…have you noticed higher prices? I sure have and I have not seen higher income for most folks. QE must end and so must the Federal Reserve Bank. We are being put into a form of slavery on the hamster wheel as we keep working for dollars that are losing value every day, and needing to buy things that increase in price. How long will that go on?

(image credit..mine..Adak chairs outside a Lowes)

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