RE: Janet Yellen Blames A Federal Reserve Induced Faltering Economy on... Wait For It... Drugs!

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Janet Yellen Blames A Federal Reserve Induced Faltering Economy on... Wait For It... Drugs!

in economics •  8 years ago 

Jeff this is unreal, this woman had never seen this script before. Yellen couldn't even form the most coherent of sentences. We have given her control of our entire banking ponzy scheme. How can people still sleep through this??

Gods speed @dollarvigilante

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It's called complacency. Unfortunately, complacency doesn't circumvent the rules of economics, and won't keep anyone's ass from hitting the ground when the shit hits the fan.

IKR I was thinking the same thing. Mus have had a Applaud sign flouting around or something. LOL

Really? what the hell, why did everyone start clapping? It's not like she said anything that great...