This is What Will Happen to Traditional Societies in the Race for “Green” Energy Metals (part 2)

in economics •  2 years ago 

Originally posted on Quora April 15, 2023

A primitive Indonesian tribe of about 300–500 souls, on the island of Halmahera, face eviction or extinction from a nickel mining concession that crosses their territory. The “Hongana Manyawa” as they call themselves stand in the way of a nickel mining operation conducted by Indonesian mining company Weda Bay Nickel, which is jointly owned by a French company Eramet which plans to build a nickel refinery on the same Island with German chemical conglomerate BASF. EV makers such as Tesla also have a financial interest in the strip mine as the nickel will be needed in the production of batteries which will need to be increased exponentially to meet the goals of Agenda 2030. The mining operation started in 2019, despite being illegal under international law.

Source: Uncontacted Tribe Being Destroyed for Electric Car Batteries

As I’ve pointed out for years, the so called “clean energy” industry will make these kinds of land conflicts inevitable because they require more land consumption. Not only do you need hydrocarbon fuels at every step of the process, but you also need to strip mine more of the earth’s metals to meet the growing demand for more batteries. The growing demand for these metals will inevitably conflict with the self-preservation interests of people like the Hongana Manyawa who have customary rights (via homesteading principle) to 50% of the earth’s surface, with an estimated value of about $25–35 billion in carbon sequestration and additional ecological benefits valued upwards of $1.5 trillion with a t, while the nation states that rule over them only recognize their legal title to about a fifth of that (10%). The global south has another 2.5 billion people who occupy and use $9 trillion in untitled lands that are slated for the same fate.

How WEF and World Bank Facilitate Land Theft for Factory Farms and Green Energy Tech

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