Everything you think you know about the financial crisis is wrong

in economics •  7 years ago 


In which I interview economic historian, Dr Philip Mirowsi about why the left has been so spectacularly unsuccessful at countering the pernicious effects of neoliberalism, it has allowed its adherents to ride roughshod over history, from the 2008 global financial crisis all the way back to the Great Depression.

Dr Mirowski says that the suppression of research into their true origins may prevent us from ever truly understanding what happened.

Click here to read the full interview at Renegade Inc.

"I'm dead to economists, by the way," he says. "You should know that… As soon as the crisis hit, that was over. They really battened down the hatches. There's no room for true heterodoxy in formal economics anymore."

One for the books. The first of three pieces. Took every ounce of strength to keep a lid on this one.

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