in economics •  6 years ago  (edited)

Aint that special ? no Fed Interest rate hike march hike on the table so stocks rise. You do not even need timing as a trader anymore just trade on the fed and throw a dart at the stock board to buy.

One thing about gold? H a H a ? Until gold is denominated in crypto the Dollars destruction based manipulation will never end EVEN IN THE GOLD AND SILVER PRICE.

The jew bankers will never give up centralized control until it is taking away by people globally rejecting the dollar and ALL fiat currencies PERIOD END OF STORY .

But not the end of story to all the retarded brain dead masses that continue to believe some fairy tale about the propaganda brain washing kool-aid they cant get out of their toxic body and soul that is in the Dtarkness of IGNORANCE .

You know the word Patience in the feds recent minuets will lead the markets bullshit detector to go off. The markets are a guinea pig to make sure all that liquidity gets destroyed in the market itself.

The fed is not as stupid as the federal government that needs to stay out of business permanently . The fed needs to screw the planet out of wealth until every last drop is sucked like a vampire.

Than you will be the sub animal ready for the long awaited genocide written in granite on the georgia guidestones.

Wall street knows the Fed is a lying vampire but is so greedy it will push bonds stocks and everything else up it can with the word patient.

How dumb can dumb get on the street?
People of this planet are going to deserve what is coming to them either in this world or the next meaning they are so stupid they will not even know whether or not they are dead.

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