The Iron Law

in economics •  7 years ago 

Of Bureaucracy

In any bureaucratic organization there will be two kinds of people":

First, there will be those who are devoted to the goals of the organization. Examples are dedicated classroom teachers in an educational bureaucracy, many of the engineers and launch technicians and scientists at NASA, even some agricultural scientists and advisors in the former Soviet Union collective farming administration.

Secondly, there will be those dedicated to the organization itself. Examples are many of the administrators in the education system, many professors of education, many teachers union officials, much of the NASA headquarters staff, etc.

in every case the second group will gain and keep control of the organization. It will write the rules, and control promotions within the organization.

The Iron Law Explains it all.

look around
notice how
an organization is built
it grows like crazy
then dies..
Too Much Iron..
is bad for you.

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Don't forget the bureaucrats that don't follow neither of those paths. They are following only theirs particular interests and their own goals, caring for the organisation or the goals only when they are helping them achieve their own personal gain goals. Upvoted.

You can't make it much simpler than that. A lot of truth and a lot of wisdom.

This is an extremely valid observation, and particularly relevant to Steemit, as it presently is in a sort of Wild West state, as it is being born.

I might point out that, although Reagan said 'government IS the problem' under his administration the federal government expanded more, and more rapidly, than any prior. Clearly, what he did is not the same as what he said.

All too often, this is the reality in government, and positions which candidates assert are almost always recanted once they take office. Obama promised to end the war in Afghanistan, close Gitmo, and lotsa stuff.

In reality, he expanded the war from Afghanistan to Libya, Egypt, and Syria (at least), never did close Gitmo, even during his second term, and used government agencies to target his political opposition, including IRS, EPA, and HUD, as well as the obvious NSA, CIA, and FBI.

Only a free press availed of freedom of speech can even begin to counter this problem, and we have neither. We have, except for the massive influx of citizen journalists and blogs, a wholly owned media, which therefore only speaks so as to profit it's stockholders, and is highly impacted by propaganda, even before Operation Mockingbird, and utterly distrusted for those reasons by American citizens.

I hope Steemit might help to fix those problems, but I am noticing that financial rewards on Steemit are being gamed, for profit, and the most rewarded posts tend to be those that are either self-congratulatory, or gamed, or focused solely on how to make money.

If other forms of speech aren't suitably rewarded, and Steemit undertake suitable actions to prevent propaganda, pay for play posts, and other such games, either it's potential utility will be negatively impacted (to the point of the wholly owned media, imho), or it will be eclipsed by a competitor that arises soon.

The market is expanding rapidly and broadly, and Steemit will not be the only platform that pays content creators for long. There have been other platforms in the past, like Helium, where I used to provide articles.

Helium was purchased and killed, by unknown parties, but probably either corrupt government,or the wholly owned media, or both in collusion.

I'd like to see Steemit succeed, and unless speech that isn't simply a trick for monetization, or only about financial matters is rewarded adequately, those real issues, such as governance, corruption, surveillance, democracy, and everything else you can imagine, and care about, will continue to be neglected.

I hope things change for the better soon.


Irrelevant what he did....
Government is MUCH too big.
as such it IS the problem.
Federal Government in a technological civilization such as we have to day should only do Two thing
National Defense

and I'm not all that sure about the Judiciary part...