RE: This Is Why You Can't Have Nice Things [VIDEO]

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This Is Why You Can't Have Nice Things [VIDEO]

in economics •  5 years ago  (edited)

Well all he is saying is that people drink fluoride, and are vaccinated. I know there is no proof that this happends to people, but the indications are strong. Me myself have a scar on my arm that may be from a vaccination....and I do remember being encouraged by dentists to take flouride pills when I was a kid...

I know it is still not technically proof that I am vaccinated,etc, but you got to admit the indications are strong that it happends...

As for chemtrails: is it really that hard to belive that airplaines can be used to distribute chemicals?
Or are you one of those nutters that doubt the existence of chemicals and/or airplaines?

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I don't disagree that established institutions support vaccination and fluorination. But I disagree these these practices are for the purposes of indoctrination rather than sensible pieces of evidence-based public health policy.

And chemtrailz... so you're saying commercial airlines are spreading toxins other than jetfuel exhaust? Just don't see how a conspiracy of that scale would be possible without leaving a credible trail of evidence (evtrailz).

Posted using Partiko Android

Well I do not belive Jeff mentioned anything about fluoride and vaccines being used for indoctrination, only that they are pushed on the population.

There are however some documentation that both have negative health benefits (is the existence of side-effects really so hard to belive in?).

Quite alot of documentation exists of the negative effects of both.
Instead of blindly trusting what you are told (like some lazy chump), I invite you to do your own research.

I will even provide you with a good starting point concerning fluoride:

As for chemtrails. Nobody said anything about commercial flights, but the possibility excists that some form of wide spread arial distribution happends, and should not be dismissed w/o questions.

Honestly I think the main issue you have with concpiracy teories is that you trust people in power, and you trust that there is some kind of check on their power, so they can never plot against their fellow man en masse.
Am I right?

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