RE: The Impending Dollar Collapse

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The Impending Dollar Collapse

in economics •  8 years ago 

I found that dr. Ron Paul held a shocking interview that I stumbled upon on you tube about the VERY REAL possibillity that america will use the right for "Financial Martial Law" something that has been going on several times in american history when the gouvernment was desperate for money, it happened before several times during Jefferson, Roosevelt and Nixon...Now Obama is trying the same myRa.... taking all the money of Pensionfunds and replacing them with FORCE (take them or be penalized) by useless bonds which have no worth, and are very heavily victim of deflation. thereby stealing their money. look on you tube;
Ron Paul! Financial Martial Law in progress Prepare yourself! Undeniable Proof! sorry for not making a neat link..... Yes I lived in a cave....sort of....anywayz; good luck, enjoy life & love, take care beware and prepare !

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